Flashbacks and Problems

Start from the beginning

"Her sister? She doesn't have a sister." That was his only comment.

"Wait... I just told you I kissed her and the thing you are asking me about is her sister? Wow. Well, yes, she has a sister, a twin. The girl that kissed you that night in Vegas. She and Hope were separated at birth and found out later and then when Hope told her that she self harmed and they were sisters, she flipped out and never spoke to Hope again." I am surprised at how Andy ws taking this. I think I misjudged that though. It was quite a lot to take in, and he had just woken up from a coma. I say that because he slapped me.

"How do you know all of this? It's like you talked to her or saw her and she told you all of this and told you to tell me. Ashley, did you see Hope or call her or talk to her at any point in time after she left?" Andy was furious.

~Hope's POV~

I can't believe I am about to do this. I pick up my phone and dial my parents number.

"Hello?" It was my mom.

"Hi mom. It's Hope." I heard her squeal.

"Oh, Hope! It's so nice to hear from you. How have you been? I heard about what happened between you and Andy and that he is in a coma. Have you talked to the band at all?"

"I have talked to Ashley twice, and Andy woke up last week. I haven't seen or talked to him since we broke up. I just called because I'll be in Australia next month for this tattoo tour I'm on."

"Well, I hope you two resolve things. And what is this about a tattoo tour?"

"I went to school and got a licence in tattoo design. I'm a tattoo artist and there is this tour thing that travel and people go to get tattoos for a lower price that at the shops. It is coming to Australia next month and I thought I could stop by while I'm there and see you and dad."

"That would be just wonderful darling. I text you the address and when you are on your way, call me. I have to go now. It's time for the girls to come. I run a book club and we meet Mondays and Thursdays. Talk to you soon love. Goodbye!"


I hang up and then see that I have a text from Ashley.

A- He slapped me when I told him about us kissing. And I am currently locked in the bathroom because he knows I came to visit you the night he passed out on stage. He doesn't know where you are or where you were when that happened. He's just pissed and I ran to the bathroom and am awaiting the backup of the other three. They just pulled up, and I am coming to your bus once the coast is clear for me to get to my car.

H- Wait, you're coming here?

A- I want to talk to you about something. I'm on my way now. And make sure you are there to give me a tattoo.

H- Fine. See you in a few.

I go outside and see Rain sitting at the table, waiting for someone to show up. Business was pretty good today. I had taken a shift after Ashley and Andy left earlier, and though it wasn't my turn right now, I went out anyway.

"Hey, what are you doing? You dan't have to work right now." Rain was tired. She had to take over one of the guys' shifts because they had a family emergency, and that was the busiest shift, even with three of the five people working.

"You've worked enough today. Go take a nap. Things are calming down and if I do need help, I'll come and get you." She nods and gets up, just as I see Ashley walking over here.

"Just on time I see." Ashley was now standing infront of me.

"Ya, I guess. So, what do want?" I lead him to one of the chairs.

The Secret's Demise (sequel to Revealed Secrets)Where stories live. Discover now