New York State Of Mind

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Time After Time

Chapter 5: New York State of Mind

From: Blond Chameleon 

To: Night-bird

Bored as hell, be there in a few, bro.

Blaine couldn't wait to tell Sam the good news. He had a whole new world of possibilities open to him now. New York held more promise than he could ever imagine. Sam entered the room, pulling Blaine from his thoughts. "You okay bro?" Sam looked worried.

"Yeah, I'm a little bit more than okay actually." the shorter man beamed. He motioned for the taller one to sit down. "Okay, so you know how I kissed Rachel at her party that one night? Well, it got me thinking if I really was just gay or if I was maybe bi. When I tried to explain it to Kurt it didn't go over so well. He thought I was trying to tip toe back into the closet. After that I let the whole thing drop and never mentioned it again, to anyone. But now I know I am bi, not just gay." he finished sucking in a huge breath. Sam looked as if he were on the verge of tears. Blaine tried to think back over what he had just said to try to find the source of Sam's sudden sadness. He found none. "S-Sa-Sam...say something, please."

"It's great to know that you discovered who you truly are Blaine. I wish I was as strong as you are." his voice was thick with tears that he hadn't yet shed. Blaine moved to sit beside him.

"What do you mean Sam? You are the strongest person I know." Blaine tried to sooth his hurting friend. He hated seeing Sam so upset. The blond haired boy was shaking his head feverishly. Blaine was filled with a sense of dread. What was Sam keeping from him. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" the autumn eyed boy questioned.

"But what I'm hiding might make you hate me. You'll walk away from me, then I'll be all alone." Sam sobbed. Blaine grabbed his friends hand.

"Nothing you could ever tell me would make me hate you. Your are my best friend, Sam. You know me better than anyone else knows me, maybe even better than I know myself. That's why I sang that song to you during Guilty Pleasures week in glee club. Because I was afraid I was gonna tell you how I felt and you were gonna hate me." Blaine dropped his head as a tear fell at the thought of Sam not being a part of his life. A strong but gentle hand slid under his chin, slowly his head and the hand rose to find the most beautiful set of aqua eyes staring back at him.

Sam leaned in, placing the sweetest of kisses on Blaine's lips. The smaller boy closed his eyes for just a moment before breaking the kiss. "I think I'm gay Blaine." the words were barely a whisper. "I want to find out but not here. Not in Lima. I have seen all the hate that has been thrown at you and I don't want to cause you any more pain. Would you help me figure this out when we get to New York?" his voice was still barely a whisper.

"Of course I will Sam. But can I ask you an honest question?" Blaine spoke softly. Sam simply nodded his head. "Did you feel anything from that kiss?" it was an innocent question.

"Fireworks." was all Sam said before kissing Blaine again. Blaine placed a hand on Sam's chest, as he smiled beneath the kiss.

"New York then. We will figure this out together. Bros helping bros. Now, do you need to go home or do ya wanna order pizza and play a few video games?" Blaine smiled at Sam. The aqua eyed boy thought for a second.

"How about pizza and a Harry Freakin Potter Marathon?" Sam bounced on the edge of the bed before he slipped off on to the floor. Blaine couldn't help but laugh. After helping the other boy up they ordered pizza and settle on his bed to start their marathon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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