What Happens In Lima, Stays In Lima

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Time After Time

Chapter 4: What Happens In Lima, Stays In Lima

Finally! Graduation. Tina and Blaine were busy packing up his room. In just a few days Blam! would invade New York City. "Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be with a girl?" Tina's timid voice broke the silence that had surrounded them. Blaine noticed that she was holding a picture of Kurt in her hands.

"Well I've always been the perfect 'Gold Star Gay'." he sighed, sitting next to her on the bed. "It's not like I don't like girls. They're beautiful, and their bodies are amazing." he paused momentarily to think. Tina took it as her sign to speak.

"So I take it that's a no." she tried to smile but couldn't. Blaine wrapped his arm around the Asian girls shoulder, pulling her close to his side. He placed the picture back where it had previously sat.

"You didn't let me finish Tay-Tay." he chuckled at the brunets sadness. "What I was going to finish saying is that I have kissed Rachel Berry. I will admit that I was under the influence of liquor at the time, but it had felt nice. However, when I kissed her sober it didn't have quite the same effect. Still, if I am being honest, yes. I have wondered what it would feel like to be with a girl."

"So why haven't you then?" was her simple reply. He looked at her for a long moment, taking time to let the question really set in. Why hadn't he ever tried it? That was a simple answer, he didn't want to hurt anyone if it didn't work out. He shrugged before replying.

"I didn't want to hurt anyone if it didn't work out." he looked to see if she had understood what he was trying to say. "What if I am bad at being with a girl? I've only ever been with Kurt." Tina smiled at him kindly. She placed her hand against his cheek, autumn eyes met honey colored eyes.

"Would you try with me Blaine? Just once? If you don't like it, then you'll know and I promise I won't be hurt. It would hurt me more to know there may be a side of yourself that you don't know exists. Please Blaine." she smiled shyly. She wanted to help him. No concern for herself or her feelings. How had he gotten lucky to have such great friends?

He closed the small gap that lay between their lips. It wasn't magical like it was with Kurt but it was nice. He slid his tongue over her bottom lip in an attempt to gain access, she gladly complied. She let him take the lead, so he did. He laid her back on the bed, slowly letting his hand slide into her silken hair. His other hand finding the small of her back easily. Tina moved slightly to trail kisses down his neck to the point where his pulse was. Stopping to slowly suck at the spot.

To Blaine's surprise a small moan escaped his lips, his hands tightening around her. The familiar heat that he had only felt with Kurt grew from behind his naval. He pulled at the zipper at the back of Tina's dress, sliding it off her shoulders and down to her waist. She rolled to her back to give him a chance to remove his shirt. Her hands trailed the plains of his abs and chest with the lightest of touches. Chills ran down Blaine's spine.

It was his turn to find the pulse in her neck and attack it. Her back arched as a soft moan fell from her lips. Her hands ran over the muscles in his back. A couple hours later the two lay amidst Blaine's rumpled sheets and blanket. Tina's head rested on Blaine's chest while his arm lay across her back. "I would say that our little experiment was a resounding success. Wouldn't you?" she quizzed, tilting her head to find Blaine's eyes looking back.

"I would have to say the same Lady." he smiled contentedly. "So what does this make us? I leave for New York in a few days, and your off to Boston for vet school. Where do we go from here?" Tina propped herself up on her elbow, making sure not to put Blaine in any discomfort.

"I am not opposed to the idea of 'Friends With Benefits'. We do plan to visit each other, and we are both single." she smiled, hoping her answer would suffice. She was rewarded with a gentle kiss.

"You are the best, X-Tina." he smiled. "What would I ever do without you?"

"Lucky for you, you'll never have to know." another soft kiss and Tina was dressed and gone. Blaine lay in his bed going over what had just happened. He had replayed the argument that he and Kurt had after the whole 'Rachel Berry House Party Train Wreck Extravaganza'. He had thought he was bi then, but now he knew for sure. He could find love any where, with either gender and be completely happy with it.

He had to tell Sam. After all, he told Sam everything. He grabbed his phone, found the number and sent the message he had typed.

From: Night-bird 

To: Blond Chameleon

Need to talk, are you busy?

After a few seconds of staring at his phone, Blaine opted to take a quick shower. He still couldn't believe what had just happened. The memory replaying again. 

By the time his shower was done Sam had replied to his message.

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