Time After Time

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Time After Time

Chapter 1: Room 206

"I know it's late." Kurt sang in his beautiful voice as the two boys walked down the empty hall towards the hotel room. When they reached the door, Kurt pulled out the key card quickly unlocking the room. Stepping inside, he turned to face the other boy.

"I know your plans don't include me." Blaine echoed back in perfect pitch. His lips cocked in his famous lopsided smile as his eyes scanned Kurt's entire body. This causing the taller boy to grab the shorter ones tie,leading him into the room.

The two fell on the bed, Blaine landing on top of Kurt. Within moments each boy had managed to remove every article of clothing the other had been wearing. Their lips assaulted various parts of each others bodies. Kurt soon realized that Blaine's kisses became less and less passionate before stopping completely.

"What's wrong Blaine?" the older boy asked, worry thick in his voice. The younger boy was now rushing around the room collecting his discarded clothing. Kurt's heart pounded faster than it ever had before. He had to make Blaine stop. He knew if he let his ex leave he would lose him for good.

"I...I can't do this Kurt." Blaine sighed. Tears filling his autumn colored eyes. "I can't help you do to Adam what I did to you. I can't help you hurt him." Kurt's mouth dropped in surprise. He couldn't believe the words Blaine had just spoken. For the first time in two years Kurt was seeing Blaine in a whole new light.

"But Adam doesn't have to know." Kurt was trying to reason with himself more than Blaine. He knew Blaine was right. He was about to do the same thing to his current boyfriend that he couldn't forgive his ex-boyfriend for. When had he become so scandalous? Had New York changed him that much.

"I would know." Blaine's words tore through Kurt's thoughts bringing him back to the present situation. "What I did broke all your trust in me. It broke what we had. If Adam can help you heal those wounds than who am I to step in the way of that?" With every word that fell from Blaine's lips Kurt saw the man that his once Teenage Dream had become.

"I have lost you...The old you at least." Kurt was close to tears himself. He had missed the transition from the teenage boy he had fallen head over heals in love with to the amazing man that stood in front of him now. It had only been 4 months since the break up, but those few months was all it had taken for the change to happen.

"You haven't lost me Kurt. You're still my best friend. I want you to be happy, Adam makes you happy." Kurt was shaking his head trying his hardest to deny what Blaine was saying. But he knew Blaine knew him better than that. Blaine knew him better than anyone did. Even his own father didn't know him like this man. "Kurt it's okay to be happy with someone else. I want you to move on, to find your Prince Charming. To have your Happily Ever After, even if it isn't me."

"You swear you're still my best friend?" the glazs eyed boy asked, a single tear rolled down his check. Blaine nodded. "I guess that's better than nothing." Kurt tried to smile. Blaine wrapped Kurt in a warm hug. The taller boy laid his head on the shorter ones shoulder. They stayed that way for a few seconds before Blaine broke the embrace. "Can we get together tomorrow, have a best friends day?"

Blaine agreed before exiting the hotel room. He grabbed his phone from his jacket pocket, scrolling through his contacts he found the name he needed. Hitting the name he typed a quick message and hit send.

From: Night-Bird 

To: Blond Chameleon

I need my bro

Short, sweet, and to the point. Blaine's phone buzzed almost instantly with a reply. He checked the message quickly.

From: Blond Chameleon 

To: Night-Bird

Meet you at the car bro.

He knew he could count on Sam for anything. He made his way to the lobby, passing a couple of his fellow Glee members. A few quick goodbyes and he was in the parking lot headed for the car.

Sam leaned over, opening the door for him. He slid into the passenger seat and let the hurt claim him. The blond boys arms slid around him from the drivers seat. His sobs wracked his body as Sam let the salt and saline stain his suit jacket. Blaine didn't need to say anything, he knew the taller boy would understand what had happened.

Blaine's breathing finally calmed as the last few tears left his reddened, burning eyes. He looked up from Sam's shoulder to find the other boys eyes glistening with unshed moisture. "I think we need a bro's night." Blaine smiled. He reached for his phone, sending a mass text to the rest of the Glee guys. Sam just smiled at him.

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