Ahjumma: "My potatoes..." she sat up in pain after twisting her leg, pointing to her bag of potatoes that were busy rolling down the alley way and into the busy street.
Koeun: "I'll go grab them" she assured the lady as she ran down the little hill to catch all of the potatoes. She was able to grab the bag before it spilled onto the street but one happened to roll out of the bag.

Thinking of leaving it since it was too close to the streets, she brought back the rest of the potatoes to the ahjumma who thanked her over and over.

Halmoni: "Aigoo, thank you young lady! I'm so glad you were able to grab the bag of potatoes" she expressed her gratitude to Koeun.
Koeun: "My pleasure" she smiled. "You must really like potatoes" she laughed as the ahjumma didn't seem to care about her other bags but this one.
Halmoni: "My grandchildren..." she said. "My grandchildren love these potatoes. I traveled all the way to Hongcheon to pick these for my babies" she smiled proudly. "One for each grandchild" she smiled.

Then it hit Koeun. She remembered the last potato that rolled down to the street earlier. Wanting to make sure each grandchild had the potatoes that their hardworking grandmother put effort into picking- Koeun decided she wanted to go back and try to get that last potato.

Koeun: "Halmoni, stay here. Don't move, okay?" she said.
Halmoni: "Oh, okay..." she sat up confused yet happy that Koeun was able to save her bag of potatoes for her.

Across the street, Mark was still waiting for the crosswalk light to come on. Wondering why it was taking so long to finally cross, he realized he hadn't pressed the button on the light pole yet. If traffic wasn't so busy- Mark would've just crossed over.

Earlier he had seen Koeun run down the hill a little to grab some kind of bag but wasn't sure what was going on. Continuing to wait patiently, he sees Koeun running back down the hill again. Wondering what she was up to this time, he stood there and watched.

Seeing Koeun try to jump in the middle of traffic made him misunderstand that she was probably trying to end her life.

Mark: "KOEUN-AH" he shouted for her, hoping she'd hear him and stop whatever it was she was going to do.

As soon as he was going to just cross over without waiting for the light anymore- the crosswalk light finally came on. Running across the street, Mark rushed his way and ran towards Koeun who finally was able to walk into stopped traffic to grab that last potato.

As soon as she grabbed a hold of the potato, she smiled and turned around just in time to face Mark who pulled her back onto the sidewalk before traffic started again. Mark pulled her so hard, her face hit his shoulder blade as he embraced her- relieved that he had 'saved her' in time.

After what felt like a few minutes too long, Mark let go of Koeun and started to scold her for everything that's happened in the past fifteen minutes of him looking for her.

Mark: "Why would you do that?!" he scolded her. "I didn't see you as someone this weak, Koeun-ah! If I hadn't been here--"
Koeun: "What are you talking about?" she stopped him. "I'm confused!"
Mark: "I know you are and I can't stop stupid people from spreading false, malicious content about you online but that's just bullshit, okay?! You are so much more than that and it would be a waste to see you end your life over some dumb comments online!"

Koeun: "Are you finished?" she looked at him hopelessly.
Mark: "No, I'm not. I'm going to make sure you understand that it doesn't matter what other people have to say about you. What matters is that you know there will be those who are jealous of you and will throw hate on you no matter what but in the end, there are those who love you for who you are and will always continue to be here for you through thick and thin!" he concluded.

HOPE [빛] Season 2 - COMPLETED!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz