Cake for Sterek

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Cake for Sterek by Graecus Paganus

Cake for Sterek

Derek needed more friendship in his life. Once the idea had suggested itself Stiles couldn't just ignore it. His ADD wouldn't allow that. He was going to win over the Sourwolf with kindness. That in mind, Stiles cheerfully opened the oven and pulled out the strawberry cake he'd made. He grabbed a wooden spoon and began smearing vanilla icing on it. His dad came into the kitchen to get some coffee and noticed.

"What you doing?" he asked, pouring coffee.

"Baking a cake for Derek."

His dad looked at him in shock, and its a wonder he didn't drop his coffee cup.

"You're baking a cake, for Derek Hale?"

"Yep," Stiles said, grabbing the tube of green frosting.


"Because dad, he needs more friends. He doesn't exactly have anyone. He's alone most of the time. I feel kinda bad."

The sheriff sighed and shook his head as he left with his coffee, knowing it would do no good to argue with his son's antics. Stiles began to squeeze out the icing, making a 'D'. Eventually the cake had 'Derek' spelled out on it in big green letters. Stiles congratulated himself at his success and carefully carried it to his Jeep. What would Derek say? He couldn't help being enthusiastic. He hoped Derek would like it. He parked in front of the burned out old house, deciding to take his chances. Walking up the steps, cake carefully balanced in one hand, he knocked on the battered old door with the other. It was Peter that greeted him.

"Stiles," he said pleasantly with a soft smile. "To what do we owe this pleasure?"

"I brought cake," the teen said.

Peter noticed Derek's name on it and resisted the urge to laugh. His nephew would love that. As though on cue, Derek's stomping footfalls were heard in the background.

"What does he want?" the wolf asked grumpily, reaching the front door and scowling at Stiles.

"Did I pick a bad day?" the teen ventured carefully.

Derek noticed the cake and raised his eyebrows.

"You wrote my name on it?"

"Of course," Stiles said. "It is for you. Don't be such a Sourwolf. I'm just trying to be nice."

Derek looked a little remorseful at least for his grouchiness.

"Come in," he said, his voice less hostile.

Stiles followed them into the foyer, noticing that Peter and Derek had been doing some work on the place. Not bad. It was cleaner.

"You living here now?" Stiles wondered aloud.

"That's the plan," Derek told him. "It still needs work."

"Looks nice," Stiles said. "Where should I put the cake?"

"Just put it on the coffee table."

Sure enough, Derek seemed to have bought a new coffee table. Stiles put the cake down. Derek seemed to have gone off somewhere.

"He went to find plates," Peter explained. "That was very nice of you Stiles. I'm glad you care about him. He needs someone."

"Just being a good friend," Stiles said.

Peter's look said he thought it might be more. Derek was back with plates and forks. He took the knife to cut the cake, his eyes taking in his name again, as he felt something he couldn't give words to. Stiles had done all that for him. No one ever spent time on him like that. He gave the first piece to Stiles, his eyes remaining fixed on the boy longer than they probably should. The teen took it from him with a shy smile. If Peter noticed he didn't say anything. He did seem to be watching their exchange with some curiosity. Derek handed him his next, his eyes considering his uncle as he did so. He and Peter had become a little closer as of late.

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