Chapter 3: A Second Chance

Start from the beginning

The days flew by fast and it was now Friday night. Imogen had told Scott that she had permission to go to the party on Friday which had put a relieved smile on Scott's face. The two had exchanged numbers that same day.

As she gave herself a once over in the mirror she couldn't help but think back on when Scott had touched her hand when they exchanged numbers.

Scott handed Imogen his phone so she could put in her number while she handed him her own. She couldn't help but gasp when his hand had brushed her own.

He looked at her in concern. "Are you okay?"

She ignored the flash of red eyes that flickered momentarily in her mind when she had touched him. "Yeah." She gave him a reassuring smile to show she was perfectly fine as she handed him his phone. "There. Now we can text each other whenever."

Scott stared at her for a moment before letting that boyish grin tug at his lips.

Imogen let out a shaky breath still feeling confused as to why she had seen that when their hands had brushed each other. Why had she seen those red eyes? What did it mean? She hadn't seen anything again even after her and Scott had hugged when she congratulated him on making starting line. So she believed it might've just been her imagination.

She glanced out the window just in time to see a car pulling up to the curb and she assumed it was Scott. A smile tugged at her lips as she grabbed her phone and scarf, slipping it on as she went downstairs. She was just relieved that her uncle was working and not here to scare Scott away.

Imogen inhaled slowly to calm herself before opening the door and walking out, ready to go on her first date.


The car ride was filled with topics of the different places that Imogen had moved to and her experiences there while Scott listened attentively as he asked her more questions. By the time they made it to the party, she and Scott were both smiling widely at each other as they found the tension disappear. The awkwardness that they had felt at the beginning at the car ride was long forgotten as they walked outside where the party was.

Scott did his best to ignore the sick feeling he felt in the pit of his stomach as the full moon shined in the dark sky. He didn't fully believe in the nonsense that Stiles had spouted at him earlier but there was this sinking feeling in his gut that maybe his best friend was right. He had been bitten by a wolf and there was no denying that weird things have been happening since then. But right now as he glanced at Imogen who was smiling at him and staring at him with blue eyes that made his heart stutter, the werewolf stuff was pushed to the back of his mind.

That is until his eyes landed on Derek Hale who was standing alone watching him. He felt himself go rigid under the older mans hard gaze. Only when Imogen nudged him did he manage to look away. "Huh?" He glanced at her in confusion.

"I said, Are you Okay?" She said, looking concerned about him.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine." He said trying to reassure as his gaze momentarily flickered over to where Derek was, only to find that the man was no longer there. He waved it off as his imagination as he looked back at her. "Do you want to dance?" Scott held out his hand. He had come here to enjoy a party with a girl who for whatever reason actually liked him back.

She looked at him unsurely but took his hand as she let a smile tug at her lips.

The two swayed to the music together as she had her arms around his neck and he had his around her waist. He couldn't keep his gaze off her as they danced together and he didn't want the night to end.

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