
Depuis le début

"Oh come on," Khloe teased. "You screamed the entire time and literally latched yourself onto poor Rich's almost amputated arm." For emphasis, Rich swung his "limp" arm around and smacked Jake in the shoulder. The taller boy yelped loudly, whipping around and throwing a wild punch in Rich's general direction.

"Calm down boys," Brooke sniggered teasingly. "You guys can fight all you want later. I'm hungry, and I think that goes for everyone."

       I realized that, amidst the panic, my stomach had emptied itself, and it now complained for fuel. I agreed; pretty much any food would taste great at this point. We eventually coaxed Jake and Rich out of wrestling each other to the ground and set off for a food stand. I snaked my arm down and interlaced my fingers with Jeremy's, squeezing his hand and swinging our arms. He turned and beamed up at me, his eyes twinkling adorably in the sunlight. God, I was really gay.

       "So, you guys feeling soft pretzels?" Christine pointed to an Auntie Anne's stand on the edge of the sidewalk, already gravitating towards it. The group followed, tugging money out of their pockets quickly and handing it to the eccentric short insomniac. After coughing up the payment to Christine, Jeremy and I found our own separate table a little ways away from the group, still holding hands.

Before sitting down, I felt Jeremy tug lightly on my sleeve. I turned and was abruptly pulled into a sweet, passionate kiss, courtesy of my lover. I couldn't stop from smiling, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him closer. Even though I'd probably felt his pillow-soft lips against mine a hundred times, the same indigestible butterflies erupted in my stomach every time. I got the same rush of passion and desire every time we came in contact with each other, whether it be lip-locked or holding hands.

       After we pulled away, I stared dreamily into his twinkling ocean eyes, still savoring the sweet sensation. I suddenly felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and a wave of fear and tension washed over my face. I remembered the threats from before, almost internally pleading that it wasn't real.

       "Are you okay Michael?" Jeremy asked in a concerned manner. I blinked a few times, realizing that my fear must have been showing.

       "Oh, yeah, I'm fine," I lied, pulling off a fabricated grin. He flashed a small, meek smile, reaching down and taking ahold of my hands once more.

       "I'm just too worried, I'm sorry. You've just been acting a little strange today," he mumbled silently, looking down at our connected hands. I gave a genuine smile this time, taking his feelings into account.

       "Don't worry. I'm fine, I promise," I comforted quietly, tilting his chin up to look at me. I brushed my lips against his softly, squeezing his hand lightly. His eyes fluttered closed, and he leaned in just a little, accepting the kiss. I closed my eyes as well, the desirable feeling overriding any previous senses I'd experienced. I felt him place his hands delicately on my chest, slightly gripping the fabric of my hoodie. My hands moved calmly to his waist and his hair, almost as if they were programmed in a robot. In that moment, all that existed was the two of us. There was no altered photo, no mysterious enemy, no sizable demand. The only two people in the entire world were Jeremy and I. Player One and Player Two.

After an eternity, I pulled away slowly, my eyes darting from his lips up to his eyes. The sweet taste lingered for precious moments afterwards, fizzing away in a flash. A rosy pink tinge dusted his entire face, creeping up his cheeks and contrasting the pale hue of his skin. We stared into each other's eyes for a while, not daring to move from the position in which we stood.

"Hey homos! Food's here!" Our heads snapped over in sync to see Christine carrying two plates over to us. The rest of the group already had their food, and was digging in happily. We broke apart and sat quickly, the senses of the real world pouring back like a waterfall.

"Thanks Chris," Jeremy spoke up, his face still flushed scarlet.

"No problem. I didn't want to interrupt your little kissing session and ask, so I got chocolate dip," she chirped, setting down our mouth-watering food. We thanked her kindly and dug in like ravenous animals, not realizing how hungry we actually were. It was widely know throughout our school that Auntie Anne's was sacred, and it was a weak spot for literally anyone. Bring Auntie Anne's to school and you've got a thousand different people around you, all offering their entire lunches, money, their siblings, or all three.

Essentially, it was downed within minutes.
Jeremy and I finished up at almost the same time, leaving not a single crumb behind. I rose and tossed our paper trays into the trash can, scurrying back swiftly and slumping down into my chair.

"That's stuff is good," Jeremy heaved as if he'd just finished a 5k run. I nodded in agreement, sighing in a content manner.

My phone buzzed again, filling me with the same dread I'd felt before. I tried to push the feeling down, but it seemed inevitable; Jeremy noticed again.

"There's that look again. What's wrong, Michael? I'm worried," he quavered, reaching over and taking my hand. I huffed silently, shutting my eyes.

"It's-- well, I don't really know how to word it," I rasped, squeezing his palm.

"Go ahead, I'm listening," he soothed, rubbing the back of my hand.



The two of us jumped out of fear, the ear-splitting noise jolting me out of my words. Some random kid somehow knocked over a huge trash can, which happened to be right near our table. The knot in my stomach tightened, churning uncomfortably as I scooted closer to Jeremy.

"I'm gonna be sick," I whispered out of earshot, clapping a sweaty hand to my forehead.

"Jesus, some people's kids," Jeremy muttered, shooting a glance over at the spilled trash. "What were you going to say?"

"Uhh, it's f-family issues," I replied shakily, gripping his hand as a method of comfort. "Since M-Melanie c-came home."

       He nodded solemnly, squeezing my hand lovingly.

       "It's okay, Michael," he comforted sympathetically. "I'm sure it'll all blow over. Just remember that I'm here for you no matter what, okay?" I nodded, looking up at him and attempting a grin. He beamed back, leaning over and kissing my cheek softly. My phone buzzed again, but this time I was prepared. I swallowed the guilty feeling and smiled, pushing away the dreadful thoughts. I turned and met Jeremy's lips again, craving his touch again to distract me. He happily obliged, cupping my cheek and leaning on the table.

       The rest of the day passed in a blur. I vaguely remembered my phone giving me a heart attack and riding a few rides. I mostly stuck with Jeremy, either leaning on him or trying to find a way to kiss him while moving. After what seemed like no time at all, it was time to load the buses and head home. Jeremy and I sat in the very back, falling asleep on each other quickly.

       It seemed like I was home in my bed within minutes. My parents bid me goodnight and continued to watch TV, so I sat awake for a while. I refused to check my phone in fear of seeing another message from the unknown number again. At some point, I heard Jeremy's ringtone, so I scooped up the device and read the note quickly.

💙Adorable Bean💙: I love you~ <3

       I sighed happily and typed a reply, telling him "I love you more you gay twink" and shutting the phone off. To think that someone would want to take such beauty away from another person was absurd in my opinion. I rolled over and glanced at the azalea on my beside table, studying its petals and colors. Yeah, that was absurd and cruel. Nobody would do that.

       I fell asleep happily that night, dreaming of mine and Jeremy's wedding.

Enjoy the fluff while you can, I'm in an angsty mood. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep now *yawns and collapses on desk chair*

~1982 words~

Bonding: A Boyf Riends Fanfiction [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant