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Damons P.O.V
I was having a nice make out session when Elena came and busted through the door. "HOLY MY SHIT BALLS" I heard Maci scream and pulling away. Covering herself up. I stood up walking to Elena. "What now?" I asked a little annoyed. "Uh- uhm Stefan wants you something about Klaus" she stuttered a little. Probably a little shook up. But then I realised she said Klaus. I ran downstairs. Leaving the two sisters alone.

Maci P.O.V
He just ran out the door. Wow. "What the hell Maci!?" Elena yelled/whispered so only me and her can hear. I just sit their looking guilty as ever. She treats me like I'm 5. I can decide who I want to date or not. I know what I was doing was wrong. "Uhm Elena I'm sorry, I just wasn't thinking I was-" I started to say when she screamed louder. "A stupid idiot? I know you are". She turned around slamming my door. I winced as she slammed the door as hard as she did.

Damons P.O.V
Elena came stomping down the stairs. I heard her yelling at Maci. Which I didn't really like. I was actually kinda mad. "Okay so? Your point is?" Asked as Stefan was explaining something to me. I wasn't really paying attention. "Well since Kathrine cares about us-" he started to say when I cut him off. "Correction she cares about you" I said as I didn't even care anymore and I don't because I like Maci. "Yeah well, since she did him dirty back in 1995 he has been looking for her since. He will come after anyone we are connected to or even us" he finished explaining. I just stood there. "Your point?" I asked more annoyed as I wanted to go back upstairs with Maci. "He could come after Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Me, or even Maci" he said sighing a little. As soon as I heard Maci's name. I looked at him like a crazy man. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MACI, SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS" I yelled. Elena walked in. "As if you would care all you want from her is her being your little play toy" She said glaring at me. I just rolled my eyes. I'm not even going to argue with her. Cause I know it isn't true. "I know Damon, but Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Me, you have nothing to do with this. It's Katherine" He said kinda making sense. I didn't even reply I just headed upstairs.

Maci P.O.V
I heard some yelling and aruging downstairs but I didn't even care. I put on a hoodie and a pair of leggings. Putting my hair in a bun. I sat in my bed with my knees to my chest. I was just sitting in the dark just thinking. When I felt a hand on my back running circles. I looked over spooked a little. Their sat Damon. I gave him a week smile. "You okay?" He asked sounding concerned. I just shook my head. I felt him pull me closer to him. We are laying down. He was rubbing my arm. I smiled a little to myself. But he couldn't see as we are laying in the dark. I fell asleep before I knew it.

Maci P.O.V
I woke up and turned around seeing Damon wasn't there. I sat up and checked my phone. No messages. I pulled the covers off getting up and walking to the bathroom.i use the restroom. I hurried and took and shower. I came out a towel rapped around my body. I go to my closest getting A blue crop top and some blue ripped jeans. I got a pair of black Nikes. I go to my mirror putting on some foundation. I brushed my hair. I went to my night stand to grab my phone. When I noticed a note. I picked it up and started to read it.

Hey Maci, I left before you woke up. I'll see you later. Have a nice day at school.

As I read the note I smiled to myself. I put it in the waste basket. Grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

Damon P.O.V
"So what me and Damon are going to do is try our best and protect all of you" Stefan said to a worries Elena. "Uh correction little brother, my main priority is Maci. Now I will try to help the others but if it comes down to Caroline or Maci or anyone. I'm saving Maci" I said sternly smirking a little. I walked out the room. I texted Maci cause I know she has 15 more minutes till school starts.

Damon- Hey Mac
Maci- Hey Damon
Damon- Sorry I left without saying a proper goodbye.
Maci- It's okay! So what do you need?
Damon- Just wanted to tell you that I am going to pick you up after school
Maci- Elena wouldn't be to happy about that Mr.Bad boy.
Damon- Well than it can be mine and yours little secret.
Maci- Gotta go bye Damon.


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