The Forever Potion | Chapter 8

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Ein's POV ( Everyone has to know by now lol)
My Power, it has grown. I want control now. But all I need is her to get extremely weak. Then she will be mine.

4 Weeks Later

Aphmau's POV
It been a full month since I was bit. And nothing. I just can't heal. I still wake up with a headache and I have a stomach ache. My body is tired. (but btw she is not pregnant. I have plans for that later 😏😉)
Aaron was down stairs when I had an idea. I know Lucinda said it was impossible but I want to try it anyways. Maybe... just maybe.. I could heal myself? Let me try..

No Ones POV
Aphmau slowly put her hand over the bite mark. Slowly, blue sparkles left her hand and heals the bite mark almost immediately. She was weak, which gave Ein a chance to attack.

Ein: That was easier than I thought. Hahaha! Now time to make her life miserable.

Aaron's POV

I went to go check on Aph when I found her up starring out of the window. She wasn't moving, just staring out.

Aaron: Aph what are you doing?

Aphmau: Well I healed myself first of all.

Aaron: How?

Aphmau: I just did you freak. Oh and second of all I am breaking up with you.

I just stood there. She can't be really? We are getting Married soon she can't do this. What's wrong with her.

Aaron: Aph are you ok?

She turns around and looks at me.

Aphmau: Never been better.

Her eyes were Green... Just like how there were at the lodge..

Aaron: Aph??

Aphmau: Don't talk to me. We are done.
She try's to leave but I grab her. This can't be happening. Why is she back like this.


I didn't let go. I carried her to Lucinda. Surprisingly she was awake.

Aphmau: LET.. ME...GO!

Lucinda's POV
I spent all night researching about the book I got from the lodge. I guess I didn't realize how long I was up for because it was 11 am already. I was just about to head to bed when I hear a knock on a door. I open it to find Aaron holding Aphmau as she screams. Her eyes were Green...

Lucinda: Wait here.
I knew this would happen. I grabbed the potion I made months before. I grab it and throw it on Aphmau. She passes out.

Aaron: What did you do to her?

Lucinda: Come in.. let me explain..

Aaron's POV
I carried Aph to the coach while Lucinda brought us some tea. She put down the cups and sat in the small chair next to us.

Lucinda: Ok so Aphmau.. still has.. is still..

Aaron: Yes?

Lucinda: She is still being-
Hi! SQ here! I feel so evil. I put a cliff hanger😈 it's not really that evil though lol.To some people maybe...But anyways I was supposed to go to school yesterday but..!!! They were doing something to the school and broke one of the pipes (real smooth people) so now I start Thursday instead! Yay!! Well that's it XD. Have a good night!

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