Chapter 13

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(Jade POV)

'I'm looking for someone, someone very special to me. My soulmate in fact. My beloved. I can sense that he's here'

-1 hour later-

I was getting restless. I was craving my beloved more and more every second. I could feel he was close, and all I wanted was to see him. But the longer I was waiting for him, the more doubts started to plant themselves in my mind. Would he reject me? Would he ignore me, like I don't exist? Would he hate me? I was overthinking this, I just needed to show him that I can be loved, and he might love me back. Or I should just prepare myself for the rejection, maybe it won't hurt so much if I do. Suddenly I heard somebody coming closer with my super hearing. From the way my body was reacting, I could tell it was my beloved. My breathing quickened and I started to hyperventilate. Sarah and Niamh dragged themselves over to me, and they nodded at me, whispering soothing words in my ears.

Somebody started to unlock the gate. Knowing it was my beloved, I looked down at my hands, unable to look at his face.

I heard a creak as the gate opened,mans then slow steady footsteps heading my way.

'Look up.' A strong, sexy voice said gently.

Slowly, I raised my head to look in the eyes of my beloved. Never in my life had I feared something, but I found myself terrified of what those eyes would hold. My worries all vanished though, when my beloveds hand stroked my cheek gently, wiping the tears away that had trickled down my cheek. That was all it took. One simple gesture, and I knew he would except me, for me.

I strained to get closer to him, but my chains held me back. So I settled for staring at him, drinking him in.

He had striking deep blue eyes, with short messy black hair. He had a strong jawline, and was HOT. My eyes broke away from his face, and trailed down to his toned arms. He wore a tight,black,short sleeved shirt, which showed off his eight pack. He was tanned, for a vampire. I tore my eyes from his abs, and up to his face again. I noticed then, that in the sides of his head, where his hair was, there was tribal patterns cut in. He cleared his throat.

'Um, hi,' I stammered.

'Whats your name love?' He asked me softly.

'J-jade.' I said.

'Well jade, you are MY beloved, and I promise to accept you, and protect you' at all costs.' He said.

He accepted me! He accepted me! I can't believe it. Then I realised he was looking at me, expecting me to accept or reject him.

'Whats your name?' I asked more confidently.

'Ryder.' He replied.

'Well Ryder, I accept you as my beloved, and I promise to protect and accept you for you, no matter what.' I say, looking deep into his eyes. He leaned into me and gently kissed my cheek. I sighed in content, and leaned into him, but Niamh and Sarah had other ideas. Sarah cleared her throat loudly and Niamh gave me a pointed look.

"Hey guys, we are still here you know!" Sarah said.

"Yeah, Jade, how about you get your beloved to get us out these ropes and help us escape." Niamh said. Sarah nodded, and my Ryder replied. "Certainly, I cannot have my other half and her sisters trapped here any longer." God his voice was so hot I thought, is it possible that I love him more now?

Then I spoke "yeah, would you, beloved?"

"Let me just ask a few of my friends to help me first, yes?" Ryder replied.

"Ok" me, Sarah and Niamh replied. Then he got up, and with one final look at me, he left. As soon he was gone, Sarah and Niamh turned to me.

"Good god he is sexy!"

"You are soooooooo lucky to have him as your beloved!" They said excitedly.

I growled, "do not talk about my mate like that!" I half yelled, but as soon as the words left my mouth I instantly regretted them. Niamh, Sarah, I'm so sorry, it's just I'm a little possessive over him. They nodded in understanding, and I drifted off to a peaceful sleep, where I dreamed of Ryder's face.

Hey guys! This chapter is a thank you for 72 reads! And also to thank you for putting up with my updates being weird, and for not having two chapters up last week. There will be a chapter tomorrow, maybe two.

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