•Prom Night•

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Enid tapped her foot as she waited outside of Gar's, waiting for her date, Radicles.

He's taking forever. She thought with a roll of her eyes.

Enid gave a sigh. Maybe he's not coming?

She crossed her arms and began walking back to the store.

"Hey. Are you leaving Prom without me?"

Asked a voice.

Enid looked back the way she had come.

"Radicles." She breathed walking up to him.

He wore a tuxedo that seemed to fit him quite well, and other dressy accessories.

"You look...better than you normally do." Enid remarked.

"Pfff sure. You know I look good." He said in return.

She rolled her eyes at his awful comeback.

"Keep Dreamin'" she laughed.

Radicles watched her.

She was dressed in a dark purple dress, and beautiful eyeshadow on, she looked...well...breathtaking.

Rad stretched out his hand and handed her a flower.

She smiled at him.

"I'm not that extra. Okay just kidding, I am." Enid said taking the light purple flower.

( totes different from "Second First Date" boiiii )

Radicles chuckled as the two began making their way to the Prom setup.

"Uh...what do you wanna...do?" He asked as they reached the Prom.

"We can just hang." Came her answer as she walked off towards K.O.

Radicles watched her for a second.

Don't be nervous. Be cool.

"Hey K.O!" Enid greeted.

"Oh hi Enid!"

The two talked for a while and then they both walked over to Radicles.

Enid locked eyes with him.

And that's when he started acting odd.

"Hey-How-Was-Y-Your Talk?!" The words just tumbled out of his mouth.

Enid looked puzzled.

"Good!" K.O butted in.

"I'm going to...Get Some Punch!" Radicles declared walking almighty, but stumbled a bit.

"Do you know what's up with him?" Enid asked her friend.

"Don't have a clue! But I can find-" K.O was cut off by the alarm, signaling that Lord BoxMan was indeed about to wreck the party.

Radicles face whipped up from the punch bowl.

With a shuddering BOOM

The two robots, Shannon and Darrell arrived with pleased grins on their faces.

People began screaming and running away.

Enid braced herself for battle, K.O following her lead.

Radicles ran over and got ready too.

"Hahaha! We will crush this 'Prom'!" Came Shannon's rude comment as she began smashing everything in her path.

"Not a chance you a bucket of bolts!" Radicles remarked as he flung her into the air, the robot began writhing and yelling.

Enid ran with her head down and spun and kicked at Darrell, sending him flying backwards.

"Go teach him a lesson K.O!" Enid said with determination.

He saluted and ran off, in the opposite direction of Darrell.

"Huh?" Enid wondered to herself.

The boy came racing back with a pitcher of punch and ran into Darrell, it splattered all over him, causing him to malfunction.

"Curse-Yo-LakeW-Plaz-A-!!!" Came his indistinguishable yell in anger as his body began to explode.

Robot parts flew throughout the street, making loud crashes as they hit the ground.

Radicles high fived K.O.

"Way to go dude!"

Shannon let out a shriek as she looked over to Darrell.

Enid punched her, sending Shannon flying over to Radicles, and then Radicles punched her over to K.O.

"Stop-It!" Came her angry yell as she kicked her legs out, hitting Enid and Radicles out of the way.

"GET HER K.O!" Rad yelled as he rubbed his head.

The boy nodded, yelling angrily and then his fist emerged with blue fire, he stepped back and then ran forward, knocking Shannon into the ground.

Enid hauled herself up and brushed her  clothes free from debris.

Little droplets of rain began to fall



Little raindrops soon left pouring rain.

"Aaaaeeeeeeiiiii!" The teenage robot yelled as she began to sputter and spark.

"K.O honey, let's go home." Carol told him as she led the way to the car.

"Bye Enid! Bye Rad!" He said dashing away with his mother.

The two stood in the rain, letting it soak them.

They heard Mr. Gar's frustrated yelling because his 'awesome' car was being soaked.

Radicles turned to look at Enid.

Enid turned to look at Radicles.

"May I have this dance?" They chorused.

They took each other's hands and danced in the storm, their movements were synchronized and even, their footsteps made splattering sounds.

Enid felt herself smile as she realized how much fun she had tonight.

She felt her face turn red as Radicles pecked a kiss onto her lips.

He smiled nervously.

Instead of flipping him off, punching him , or just saying something really rude, she just smiled In return.

"And that was for?"

Rad gave a sigh as they continued to dance.

"BecauseIReallyLikeYouEnid!" He said quickly, a blush reddening his cheeks.

Enid laughed.

"Slow down."

"Because...I like you Enid." Radicles said with ease.

She was lost for words.

But she leaned over carefully and returned his kiss, sending tingles all over her body.

Radicles looked at her in disbelief.

"I seriously thought you were gonna punch me or-"

Enid rolled her eyes and the two began walking.

"I like you too." She said finally.

The two just smiled at each other and grabbed hands and began to walk home together.

"So I'm not such a dork or a fool or-" Radicles paused trying to figure out what else she usually called him.

"Nah you're still all of those, but most importantly...you're my dork." She said smoothly.

Radicles grinned at her.

~The two walked home together, knowing that they truly loved each other.~


RadXEnid: I've Always Liked YouWhere stories live. Discover now