The Dragon Tattoo-Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

“What do you want?” He asked, squinting as bright sunlight filled his eyes.

“I want to know about what you went through when you got the tattoo. I just want to get out of here. Don’t you? Maybe we can find something in this house that will help us get out of here. What if this magic place is make belief?”

Brandon snorted. “Fat chance of it being some make belief place. I don’t think anyone can fake a swiveling of the earth bit. But maybe we can find something here that will help us get out…

Where did Aiden go? Were you not going out for a walk too?”

“The door won’t budge. Aiden locked us in and went out ‘to attend to some work’ of his. I think he’s involved in some bad business or something…I think he’s conspiring against us. It’s just a hunch though. We shouldn’t trust him…I really don’t know whom to trust and whom to…” My head throbbed and a few tears streamed down my face. I was going hysterical.

Brandon seemed surprised at my outburst. “And here I thought you had everything figured out. Really, with the brave face you put on, nobody could even tell you weren’t at home.”

Okay, I rarely cried. And even if I did, it never was a public show. It made me feel vulnerable. Brandon patted my back, trying to soothe me. He kept muttering an awkward ‘it’s okay’ again and again. But hey, a comforting hand was better than nothing. I quickly wiped my wet eyes and gave Brandon a weak smile.

“I’m okay now. Thanks. It’s just…the dam had to burst sometime. I miss my family, I miss my friends. I want to go back.”

“Me too, Carra. We’ll get home okay? It might not be today, but we will. Honestly, I think we’ll reach home faster if we start looking around. Get to know the place and all. It has everything to do with the chant Aiden uttered. If  we can find out what that chant was…we can get back. “

I smiled. Why didn’t I think of that? It was a very simple idea, and if could possibly work. What got us here would get us back right? It was a classic formula.

“So we’ll look for the keys to get out first right? Then we’ll go and ask someone?”

“Let’s take one thing at a time. The keys. Let’s find them first. Then we’ll think of our next move”

“Okay, let’s check the bedroom, maybe we’ll find something in the drawers”.

We both rushed to the bedroom, Brandon pulling open the closet while I started opening one of the drawers.

“Nothing in here.” I called out. The drawer was empty with a large layer of dust settled on the brown wooden shelf.  I sighed. It was going to be a long day.

“Nothing except clothes in the closet either.” Brandon said.

“Check the-“

“I checked the pockets, if that’s what you’re asking.” That shut me up.

“Where can it possibly be?” I moaned.

There are only so many places in the bedroom. Brandon was still muttering ‘it has to be somewhere’.

“Okay, okay! I got this.” I paused, “If you were some crazy, psychopath kidnapping teens, where would you hide the top secret gate-away shit?”

“My closet?”

“Too predictable. Even teens can get it.” Brandon smiled. He had a very comforting smile. It was like the sunflower blooming on a raining night. I couldn’t help but smile back.  

“I got it!” Brandon jumped and clapped his hands in glee.

“Err, no offence but your celebratory dance is sort of...-I finally settled with- funny.”

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