Chapter 1

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She was sure she would hate this foster home just as much as the previous ones.

Sure, it seemed a bit pessimistic, but she wasn't going to pretend to be excited. Even the smallest bit of hope that she had would be crushed in the end.

It always was.

Despite this, Callie was still happy to get out of juvie. She was even happier to get out of that previous hell-hole that she was living in. It was definitely one of the worst foster homes she and Jude had been in. The guy couldn't care less about them. She wasn't sure how he had become a foster parent in the first place. However, it wasn't exactly the worst one they had been in. The Olmstead's was the worst. Nothing could be worse than that.

She was jerked back to reality at the thought of Jude. Where was he? Did Bill get him out of that house? Ugh. She hated being separated from him.

"Callie? Your new foster parents are here. Grab your stuff and follow me."

Grab your stuff and follow me? She didn't have anything to grab except for the outfit she was wearing when she got put in here. Okay, she thought, let me just grab my invisible crap and I'll be right out.

She followed the man through the gloomy hallways and tried to concentrate on not freaking out before she even met these people. Just because all her other foster homes had been complete crap didn't necessarily mean this one was going to be as well.

The doors opened and closed quickly behind her and she immediately had to squint in the sunlight. She figured she looked horrible, after being in juvie for a month. Not that it mattered. Callie had never really cared about appearance anyway. People could think what they wanted.

There were two women standing outside, and they were looking nervously in Callie's direction. Of course they were. No one wanted a juvie girl. When they realized that Callie was watching them, they smiled. Or, at least, the one on the right smiled. The one on the left looked a bit like she was in pain. Not only that, but she was a cop. Shouldn't cops be used to teenagers like Callie?

The one on the right had light brown skin and dark, curly hair. She stepped forward and held out her hand. "Hi Callie, I'm Lena, and this is my partner Stef." She gestured toward the blonde haired cop.

Callie shook Lena's hand and managed a little twitch of the mouth. It almost looked like a smile, but she wasn't good at being friendly. She turned around to face the man that had led her out.

"Where's Jude?"

The man looked confused. "Jude?"

Callie rolled her eyes. Seriously? The only person she wanted to see was her little brother.

"Jude is at our house waiting for you. He's really excited to see you Callie."

Callie turned around. It was the cop that spoke.

She did another mouth twitch. "Okay."

She followed Stef and Lena to their car and got in the back seat. It was a nice car. The people must be rich, or close to it.

"So Callie," began Lena, "you're going to be staying in our daughter Mariana's room. She's fifteen, the same age as you, so-"

"I'm sixteen," Callie interrupted quietly.

"Right. Sorry. Well, either way, you're staying with her. Obviously she's not very happy about it, but we talked to her and she should be somewhat manageable."

Then Stef began talking. "Yes. Also, we know that you had trouble with a foster brother at a previous home." Callie could see Stef looking at her through the rear view mirror. "We have two sons, one is sixteen and one is fifteen, but we talked to them. They won't be giving you any trouble, Callie. They should keep to themselves for the most part."

Callie pressed her lips together and nodded. They probably thought she always had issues with foster brothers. Whatever. The only issue she had ever had was the Liam thing, and that was barely even her fault. It definitely wasn't her fault that Liam was a creep.

About twenty minutes later they arrived at the house. It was big, but not as big as Callie had thought it would be. Good. She always felt uncomfortable in big houses. Almost like she wasn't good enough.

As soon as she had stepped out of the car the front door flung open and Jude ran outside to greet her.


Callie smiled her first real smile in ages and embraced Jude. "Hey, baby. I'm okay. How are you? How is everything?"

"It's good. It's really nice here. I think you're going to like it."

Callie squeezed Jude one more time then let go of him. She looked up and saw three teenagers standing at the front door and smiling. Those must be the other kids. The girl- Mariana- was short and had dark hair. She smiled and waved at Callie. Callie managed another mouth twitch and a tiny wave.

Lena stepped to the left of Callie and put a hand on her back.

"These are our kids." She nodded her head towards them as they started walking down the steps toward everyone. "This is Jesus," she pulled the shorter boy, he must be the fifteen year old, into a one armed hug. "He and Mariana are twins." Jesus looked over at Callie and smiled at her.

"And this," Stef had stepped to the other side of Callie and was gesturing toward the taller boy, "this is Brandon. He's my biological son from my previous marriage."

Brandon stepped forward and shook Callie's hand. He was smiling. He had brown hair and slightly crooked teeth.

Callie smiled back, just a little smile with no teeth showing, as Brandon said, "nice to meet you."

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