I'm not hungry.

10 2 0

* 1 week later*

'78 calories for the egg and 95 for the apple' I thought to myself and I sat down at my table to eat my breakfast. Last week when I was trying to not eat, didn't work so well. After 2 and a half days of trying to starve myself and working out, I fainted right when I got home. Now my mom is watching my like a hawk thinking that my fainting spell was from not sleeping enough, only if she knew. 

I finished my breakfast thinking about the 173 calories that my body just absorbed. I kissed my mom goodbye and walked out of the door. I knew that I wasn't gonna get skinny from starving myself and my cravings would overflow and I would gain all of it back and more. After I fainted I started giving my body the minimal nutrition it needed to get through the day, so I wouldn't faint somewhere public this time.

It has been one of my dreams to become a cheerleader. I started stretching every morning and little by little I am getting more flexible which I am proud of. Maybe next year I will have the chance to try. I get to school 10 minutes before the bell rings and go to the bathroom and lock it. I sit on the ground and start my sit ups. 

After about 50 my muscles are aching and I decide that was probably enough to burn off at least the egg. I unlock the bath room and fix my hair and my flushed face. From last week till now I have dropped 7.2 lbs which isn't a lot compared to the weight I wanna be but it is a start. I walk out of the bathroom and walk towards my locker, I put my back pack away and grabbed the books I needed. As I shut my locker I am greeted by Melissa and Stacy on each side of me. I look up at their perfect faces and cheer-leading uniforms that I wish could fit me.

"Either you were screwing someone in the bathroom or you were trying to burn a few calories." Melissa said, casually looking at her nails. 

"I mean obviously not the first option so that leaves one option left." Stacy agreed with Melissa. Melissa and Stacy were the epitome of perfection. Melissa had shoulder length brown hair and ice blue eyes, her figure was that of a models. Stacy had shorter platinum blonde hair and chocolate eyes, she was a little skinnier than Melissa but stood just as tall and confident.

I didn't reply to them. But I didn't need to because they kept talking.

"We can always appreciate when people try to lose weight and fix themselves." Stacy continued. Melissa handed me a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

"If you need a gym membership, or pills or anything don't be afraid to text me." Melissa said while waving her perfectly manicured nails and strutting in the opposite direction along with Stacy.

I put the number into my phone and threw away the piece of paper. I started walking towards art and soon I was joined with Nick, who was walking right next to me. We made small talk on the way and he stopped me before we could walk into art.

"Maya, are you okay? I just uh overheard Melissa and Stacy saying some things an-" 

"Nick, im fine." I interrupted him and smiled. I quickly spun around to walk into the room but suddenly felt dizzy and stumbled a little from the quick action of turning around. Black dots slowly started to invade my vision.

"Woah, Maya. Are you okay.. do you need me to take you to the nurse or something." Nick said as he put one hand on my shoulder and another on my back making sure i didnt fall.

"Uh, no yeah Im okay, I just forgot to eat breakfast this morning no big deal." I smiled at him again and slowly made my way to my table making sure not to make any sudden movements. Jenna was sitting there and she filled me in on the new Walking Dead episode seeing as I stopped watching after a person I liked was killed. 

Nick wouldn't stop casting worried glances at me throughout the class. What even did he hear? Obviously something about Marissa and Stacy helping me but why does he even care? Nobody should be worried about me. I'm fine.

"Maya, come over to my house today my mom is making this new pasta recipe that I think you'll love and you haven't been over in forever!!" Said Jenna. Her kind eyes made me want to accept but just the thought of consuming food gave me anxiety because once I start I knew I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Um Jenna I have been feeling a nauseous all of today, and you know how much I love your mom and her cooking but I don't feel very well." I hated lying to her but It was sort of true my stomach is feeling empty and and I don't feel my best. I should probably run a little to get my energy up. 

Jenna nodded her head in understanding. I felt horrible but I did invite her over to my house for a sleepover tomorrow, which she was excited for. 

I walk into the lunch room and sit in my seat, putting my books on the ground except for my computer which I was going to finish some homework on. I looked up at everyone at my table and smiled in greeting. I noticed that the chair on the end of our small table was no longer empty like it had been since the beginning of the year. I look and connect eyes with.. Nick? 

"Hey Maya!" Nick said with a smirk. 

"Oh Maya, this is Nick he is a buddy of mine." Said David.

"By 'a buddy of mine' you mean neighbor/best friend right?" Nick said and he playfully punched Davids shoulder. Best friend? Wow there was a lot I didn't know about David. Also, why is Nick sitting here?

"Also for your information David, Maya and I know each other already so there is no need for introductions. Right Maya?"

"Right." I reply quickly, then I look back up and continue speaking.

"Not to be rude or anything but, Nick why are you sitting here?" I said looking at him with curiosity

"I was bored where I sat before." He replied. Bored? He was with all the popular guys how could he get bored. I shrugged and looked back at my computer pulling up the essay that I needed to peer edit for English. 

I started working on it helping one of my 'peers' in Mr.Dan's class with their adjective using or lack thereof. Not too long after I felt eyes on me, I glanced up from my computer and my eyes catch Nick's and he just keeps looking at me. All of the sudden he looks away and gets up without any word and walks away, leaving his stuff at the table. I look back down and continue editing only to be interrupted minutes later by a tray being pushed in front of me. 

The tray was filled with what they were serving for lunch today pizza, fries, a cookie and and a water bottle. I looked at the tray, then looked up to see Nick sitting back in his seat and looking at me. 

"What's the food for?" I said half joking, half serious while pushing it to the middle of the table and grabbing my computer back. 

"It's for you." Nick said in a simple manner while simultaneously closing my laptop and putting it on top of his stuff on the floor. He slid the tray towards me.

"Why? I'm not hungry." Lie.

"You haven't been hungry this whole week, Maya." Nick quickly replied with a look in his eyes. Now everyone at the table was looking in my direction with confused faces. 

"I-I'm just not hungry, and I have to finish my editing so can I have my computer back?" I tried changing the subject but failed miserably.

"You didn't eat breakfast this morning and you almost fainted before first period, you are obviously hungry and with what Marissa and Stacy were saying this morni-" I didn't let him finish his sentence because I already knew how it was going to end, I was mortified. Before I knew it I was out of my seat with my books and running through the cafeteria doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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