A Day In The Life Of Maya Logan

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I am Fat, I know I am Fat. I have friends but, I still feel alone. I try and try not to eat but I always lose. This is a day in the life of Maya Logan (a.k.a) me. 

After getting out of bed I stare into my mirror for a while looking at all the fat on my body, and I try not to get depressed. I proceed to go downstairs and pack my backpack and while passing the kitchen I try not to look in the cabinets because I know that my cravings will get the best of me. It doesn't work because I end up eating anyway.

 I wish that I could throw all of this up but I am too scared to try. After feeling guilty, I stomp my way upstairs and look in the mirror once again but, this time I look at my face. Ugly. I am ugly. Yes, I do have stereotypical blue eyes, freckles, and long caramel hair but all of that is overshadowed by my small eyes, the blemishes on my face, my big nose and chubby cheeks. 

I get changed in whatever clothes don't make me look fat, fashion is something i can't do so, I decide on some sweatpants and regular North Fount high school shirt. I don't even bother doing my makeup anymore. When it is time to go I waddle my way out of the house and wait for my neighbor so we can walk together to the bus stop. 

While standing at the bus stop the kids that get rides from their older siblings usually speed up and honk when they see us, the thing is my neighbor, Ashley is popular. Not like she has a lot of friends kind of popular, but like top-of-the-food-chain popular and we used to be friends as kids but y'know, I got fat and she got popular and didn't want to be seen with me anymore so the only time we see each other is when we walk to the bus stop which our parents make us do. 

On the bus I just listen to music and zone out the loud and obnoxious conversations. When we finally arrive at school I put my ID on and get off the bus, before the bell rings all of the high-school students are shoved in a cafeteria so I spend my time trying to get through the crowd to find a friend, any friend. 

Then I spot someone, Nick Taylor. He is also popular but we talk, Nick is also in every one of my classes. He is nice and doesn't care if he is seen with me, and this is not important at all but he is really cute, his dark blonde hair swooped up and his bright greenish blue eyes, they look so kind. Before I go up to him I look once again for someone I know but find nobody. He is the only person I see that is okay with talking with me so I approach him.

"Hey, Nick." Nick looks up from his phone and smiles at me, his bright teeth still shining in the dim cafeteria.

"Hey, Maya. How are you?" he asks still smiling at me, not it is not a flirty smile it is a friendly smile so I return it.

"I am fine-" I lied, in reality everything in my life feels like it is gonna collapse all around me "-how are you?"

"I am amazing, I made the basketball team and I got a A- on Mr.Dan's English test!" He was beaming now, I helped him study for that test.

"That's amazing, I knew you would do better than last time! Did you by any chance get the answers to Mr. Dan's homewo-" I was interrupted by the rest of Nick's friends, they ignored me like everyone else does but Nick doesn't seem to notice me anymore, so I just slip away. Perks of being invisible, I guess. 

I am lucky because the bell rings so I run up the stairs fat jiggling all the way up. I get to my locker and put in my combination, 14-32-10, I grab my trapper keeper, my computer and some notebooks and my pencil case and make my way to my first hour. 

I have art with Mrs.Usulari, yes her name does sound like Ursula, which is exactly who she looks like minus the tentacles and purple skin. Only if I was as skinny as Arial. I sit down at my table and take out my spiral labeled, "art" and start drawing what is on the board. The bell hasn't rung yet but something you might not know about me is that I am smart, I have straight A's and that is the only thing that I am not insecure about. I look at my table and see that there are people in it, just some random people and then I look in front of me, I see one of my best friends, Jenna. She is looking at me, her brown eyes striking and teeth in braces smiling at me.

"Maya! Hey, did you see The Walking Dead last night!? It was so cool, there were walkers everywhere and Negan was so hot-" I stopped listening I just looked at my paper and nodded whenever she said something. Most of the time she doesn't include me in her conversations she just talks to herself while I nod in the background. 

I looked over Nick's table and of course he was sitting with his buddies. I looked back down and 45 minutes later I was walking in the hallway to my second class. 

Mr.Dan's English class was easy we just had to write an essay on anything and I finished with 20 minutes left. The day went slowly, after English I went to biology and math. 

Now it is lunch, i didn't pack anything on purpose, so I just sat at my usual table with my friends, Jenna had a different lunch so I was forced to make more friends which was a success, so now I sit with a bunch of people that I loved to call my friends. First we have Kelsey, she is smart, and athletic and she had this crazy crush on one of the most popular guys in school, Marcus. Next we have David he is in band and is really funny. There are a bunch of other people that sit at my table but I will introduce them another time. 

After lunch I go to social studies and Spanish and as usual, I got the homework done in class like always and the teacher let me leave early, I still had gym which was my least favorite class of the day, so I decided to use that time to walk to my locker and pack my stuff, I exchanged it with my gym shoes and my freshly washed uniform. 

The bell rang and I make my way to my doom. I went into the locker room and right away went into one of the stalls and got changed, I have a locker but it is in the section where some of the popular girls are, so I never change there. I stepped out in my uniform and put my clothes in my locker and locked them in along with my phone and anything important to me. I slowly made my way out and sat in my place on the ground in my attendance line, nobody else was sitting because they had friends there, I didn't. 

The bell rang and everyone sat down, after Ms.Hound took attendance she told us to run around the gym while the boys played basketball. I ran, alone and as per usual, students passed me up and again and again, I started to run faster so at least they would have a longer time passing me, but I almost stopped when I heard some girls (popular obviously) talking to each other, loud enough that I could hear but they didn't know that I was listening.

"-is so fat! I kinda feel bad but she did that to herself, and she talks to Nick! He shouldn't be talking with her, this morning, Marcus told me that they were talking and apparently she studies with him, she is way out of his league." The other one nodded and agreed with her, I wasn't dumb so I knew they were talking about me.

I was still running but on the verge of tears and I held them back but something collided with my head and they all just broke loose. That thing ended up being a basketball and I was on the ground, my head was pounding  and I was thinking, 'the ball came at me full speed and was exactly my height of 5'3''. I don't think my head collided with a basketball just bouncing off the rim. 

I was still on the ground crying, cradling my head, I prodded the side of my head and flinched in pain when I poked a sensative bump on my head. I guess my head fell on the ground a little too hard. I was crying like a baby and only some of those tears were the basketball-in-face dilemma, the rest were for what the girls had said about me. 

The bullying in our school doesn't happen out in the open like every teenage movie, it is whispers and talking behind someone's back. A voice made me come back into reality.

"Maya! oh my gosh, make room! make room!" Ms.Hound said as she kneeled by my head.

"Will someone please take her to the nurse." I was afraid nobody would volunteer, or that someone would have to carry me but i was proved wrong when Nick raised his and helped me up. 

"Are you okay?" nick asked

"I'm fine."

"Obviously you're not, you look sick and you are crying..... aaand going in the wrong direction." he said as he turned me down the right hallway. we walked in silence and he dropped me off at the nurse's office. She said that I didn't have a concussion but I could sleep it off until the bell rang so I layed on the bench, the sterile paper crackling and fell asleep.



Hey guys! This is my first book on here, I would really appreciate if you voted on it. Thanks for reading! 

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