“What kind of black magic are you using on me?” he barked.  She didn’t answer, but looked over at Silena, Derek, and Rachel.  All the color had drained out of their faces.  They weren’t going to do anything with Bryn’s life on the line.  A surge of gratitude welled up in her heart for her friends.  She had to get them out of this.

Bryn studied the man, trying to figure out something to say to convince them they meant no harm.  He wore a leopard print shirt, dark jeans, and had a bronze dagger on his belt.  It was the weapon that struck her as odd.  Who carried a dagger around anymore except for a-

“Demigod,” Bryn said.  The man lifted his head a little, his eyebrows scrunching together.


“I’m a demigod, so are they,” she explained, pointing to Derek and Silena.  Motioning at Rachel, she added, “This is our Oracle.  You’re a demigod too.  That dagger on your belt is Celestial Bronze.”

Slowly, the man lowered his gun. “You’re demigods?”  Bryn, Derek, and Silena nodded.  At this confirmation, he let out a sigh of relief. “Thank the gods!  I thought you were here to kill me.  You have the Charmspeak ability I see?  You’re pretty good at it, almost got it to work on me.  I’ve trained myself to avoid it doing just that, but good job.  My name is Pollux Chablis, son of Dionysus.  You are?”

Pollux held out his hand for Bryn to shake.  She did as she introduced herself.  Derek and Silena did the same thing.  Rachel, on the other hand, exclaimed, “Pollux!  It’s so good to see you!  And alive!” She gave him a hug.  He seemed taken aback but went with it.  When they pulled back, he said, “Rachel Elizabeth Dare.  You were and still are much prettier than the old Oracle.  How’ve you been?”

“Good.  I’m on another crazy, possibly suicidal quest, but all is good.  And you?”

“Never better.  Have my own vineyard out in California in Napa, have a booming business in Vegas, and I have my own restaurant here.  Life is good.  Come on in.  I’ll make stuff to eat and drink and you can brief me on what’s going on and how I can help.”

“Thank you,” the three demigods and the Oracle responded sincerely, following Pollux inside.  His kitchen was incredible.  A person could definitely see the Greek influences in here.  There were white granite countertops, dark mahogany cabinetry, a basket of grapes on the island in the center of the kitchen, and a mosaic in a Greek design as the backsplash on the wall.  The parts of the walls not covered by the mosaic were painted a burgundy-red, the color of wine.

While Pollux whipped up some grilled cheeses for the group to eat, they explained what had been going on recently, starting from when Percy and Annabeth had been kidnapped all the way to Hoover Dam and how they had two different armies trying to capture them.  Bryn admitted she thought the Romans had a better chance of capturing her than Ryan London just because Antony knew more of what she, Derek, Silena, and Rachel were capable of.

“So a war is happening again?  Lovely.  Can the gods stop pissing other people off?” Pollux grumbled.  Thunder rolled across the sky even though, looking out the window, there were no clouds to be seen.

“That would be correct,” Rachel said.

“And the Jacksons are at the center of it again?” Pollux chuckled.

“Correct,” Silena replied.

“And these Jacksons have an independent, smart blonde friend?”

“If you mean me, then yes,” Bryn answered.

“Tell me, Derek, do you like enchiladas?” Pollux queried, a sparkle in his eyes.

“I love them.  Why?”

UnStoppable [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now