Who You Really Are

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Hotch and the rest of the team raced through the forest, jackets on and guns ready. "Reid?" each of them called out every so often. There was never an answer, they were getting worried now, It was getting dark out. "Guys, I found the bodies" JJ reported, looking down at the still corpses.

"Any sign of Reid?" Hotch asked, everyone shook their heads. Something caught Morgan's eye, he bent down to pick it it up. "This is Reid's phone," Morgan said, holding it up. Rossi searched around the spot where the phone was, he was looking for drag marks. "Look here, these are drag marks" Rossi pointed out once he found them. Looking closer at the leaves, Morgan could make out blood drops. Pointing down to where they were, he told the others. "There's also a small amount of blood right here," he said.

"The unsub didn't kill Reid, there isn't enough blood" Hotch observed, making the others feel slightly better. "Okay, we need to get forensics and detectives down here, I'll call Garcia" Hotch explained. "I got it" Morgan offered, taking out his phone and dialing Garcia. "Hey baby girl", Morgan began, Garcia interrupted, "What's going on? Is Reid okay?" she questioned frantically. "We need to find out where he is," Morgan replied, "Wait, you can't find Reid?" she practically shouted.

The woman drove down the road, Reid laid tied up in the trunk of her car. "He's the perfect one" She thought while she played her fantasy of what she was going to do with him. It was dark out now, nobody would see her.

She parked her car in the garage. Opening the trunk, she admired her newest victim. He looked so peaceful and beautiful in his sleeping form. But she knew what he really was inside, just like all men were. Evil.

Reid opened his eyes slowly, confused about where he was. The room was all concrete, with stairs going up, "Am I in a basement?" He thought. He was tied to a chair, this was bringing back bad memories. "You're awake" Reid heard a woman say from behind him. She walked around so she was facing him. Her hair was dirty blond, she looked to be about in her early thirties, and she was physically fit. Reid noticed that she was holding his coat in her hand.

"Hello, Dr. Spencer Reid," She began, running her fingers through Reid's hair. Reid's stomach dropped, "H-how do you know my name?" He stuttered. He heard her reach into his coat pocket and pull out his FBI credentials, she placed it in front of his eyes. "What do you want?" Reid asked her. She seductively sat on his lap, they were facing each other. In response, she began to laugh, this made Reid very uncomfortable.

Once she was done laughing, her face went dead serious. "To show you what you really are" she fumed, slapping Reid hard across the face. Reid yelped quietly upon impact. "What do you mean, what I really am?" Reid questioned, another slap to the face was her answer. 

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