Just One Last Time

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Garcia walked into the BAU Office, Reid following by her side as they entered the meeting room. Morgan turned around, he almost looked a bit angry when he saw Reid next to her. "Hey Reid," Morgan greeted him, trying to sound casual, but he was nervous about seeing him here after what had just happened. Reid waved to the rest of the team and grabbed a seat at the circular table, trying to ignore the uncomfortable silence in the room. JJ continued talking about the victims of the newest murders. The victims were women with gunshot wounds. Upon seeing the images, Reid could only see Maeve sitting in a pool of blood. He looked down and fidgeted with his hands. Morgan looked over at Reid, who was trying to look away from the images. Concern began to grow within himself again, "Reid just isn't ready for this", Morgan thought to himself. 

Once they left the meeting room, Morgan stopped Reid, who was hastily walking away. "Reid, Are you sure you're ready for this?" He asked Reid, who seemed slightly offended by his friends concern. "Morgan, I can still do my job okay? I've already taken enough time off" he snapped back quietly. "I know that kid, but I just want you to be alright, okay? I care about you" Morgan stated firmly. Reid avoided eye contact, he was embarrassed. "I'll be fine Morgan, don't worry about me" He insisted before walking to his desk, leaving Morgan standing alone. Morgan sighed and went to his own desk. 

Studying the files on the murders was harder than Reid had expected. Everything he read, everything he saw, would send his mind spiraling back into a flashback of horrible memories. He shut the file folder and rubbed his eyes, he was beginning to get a migraine. He didn't want to be here, he didn't want to be home either. Spencer couldn't escape the constant pain of his mind, it wouldn't let him be. He opened his bag, looking at the bottle of clear liquid. Reid contemplated for a long while if he should inject his ticket to temporary freedom. He wanted to quit, he had been doing so well battling his addiction. "I'll only do it one more time, then I'll stop" he pondered before making his final decision. 

Reid got up from his desk and headed for the restroom when nobody was looking. Once inside, he checked to make sure nobody else was in there with him. The stalls were empty, this was his chance. Shutting the main door, he locked it so nobody would disturb him. Rummaging in his bag, he searched for the drugs and needle. Looking in the mirror, he wondered if he should continue or not. Voices echoed through his skull, saying, "You will feel better", "What are you waiting for" and "Do it". He shut his eyes tight and grabbed the needle, sticking it through the top of the tiny bottle, filling up the syringe. Rolling up his sleeve, he squeezed his fist tight to get a good vein to stick out. Spencer took a deep breath, inserting the needle into the purple vein. After the drug was in his system, he didn't feel all that different, he had grown a tolerance too it, he needed more. Filling up the syringe again, he pierced it through his arm one more time. He began to feel slightly dizzy, almost there. One last time he filled up the syringe and penetrated his vein one more time. There we go. The drug kicked in very quickly, the room began to sway underneath Spencer's feet. The light he saw began to dim before it flashed bright, he was finally a kid again. 

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