Derrick groaned next to me.

"Shhhh. No one is close and I don't want them to come check on us," I whispered. "Are you ok?"

"No, my arm hurts like hell," he whispered back in a strained voice. "What happened?"

"I think we were hit with a trank gun, or at least I was. Did you get knocked out when the bike stopped or..."

"I was pinned under the bike for a sec,"
He said, "and my shoulder hit the ground hard, then I blacked out. I came to with someone dragging me. I remember struggling, something hit my arm, probably the butt of a rifle. I passed back out." He paused. "I think it's broke."

"Ok, let me look around for a sec. I'll try to find something to cut you lose."

"You aren't tied up? The way my arms are tied is killing me," he said quietly, his voice filled with pain.

"I am, but I can get out," I whispered. "Hang on."

I altered my hands and wrists, wriggling my now smaller limbs out of the ties. Feet and ankles were next, my feet leaving my work boots behind, even as my front paws became hands to pull the plastic loop away. I changed back to man, straightened out my clothes, and reached into my pockets. I had to chuckle.

"These guys are stupid. They didn't empty my pockets. Hang on."

I pulled out my pocket knife and went to work on Derrick's bindings. He was free in minutes.

"Let me get us some light," Derrick said. I could hear his phone slide out of his pocket. I grabbed his hand before he could turn it on.

"It's pitch black back here. They might see any light. We have to make sure they won't see. I'm going closer to where I can hear them, get the lay of the land"


"Shh, trust me."

I moved my shoes off to the side, stepped away from Derrick and stripped quickly. I moved away on four legs. I was actually able to get pretty close until I came to a makeshift fence with a gate in it. The gate was locked with a padlock. There were lights a distance away and I could hear the hum of a generator.

I moved quickly to the side, under a table, and held very still. The voices were getting closer.

"What do you mean there were two of them? You stupid shits! Shut up and let me think!"

That was John, no mistaking it. There was enough light I could make out two of the guys with him. I didn't see or hear the third.

I looked around the area I was in, seeing more as a wolf than I ever could as a human. I partially shifted, snagged a plastic bag and a few supplies. There were a few snacks laying around, half a case of water, a few flashlights. I took one flashlight as I kept listening.The small plastic grocery bag they had brought the snacks back in filled up as I added some water bottles.

"Where'd you put them?"

"In the back."

"Where they can escape through the fissures? You stupid..."

"They're tied up. Ain't like anyone can find their way through that mess anyway, heck, you can't even fit through most of them."

"You can't, you big oaf!"

I took one more look around for anything I could use to help with Derrick's arm. There was a pack of zip ties I slid in the bag. There was a small pallet that had a broken board hanging down. I gave the loose piece a tug, grateful when the section of planking fell off easily. I gave a quick glance to the arguing men to see if they heard the slight crack of the board breaking loose, but they were too caught up in discussing what to do with Derrick and I.

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