Ch 1:Lights,camera and..let the magic begin!

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((A.N:There have been a change in the story.Tom's followers (except from Abraxas) will not participate very much in the rest of the story also ignore Ron's POV in the interview))

     ------!!*Present day*!!-----

*The screen turns on,the blackness disappears.We can see a familiar young
wizard of seventeen years old sitting casually on an elegant green armchair.
He has silky raven hair,mischievous green eyes that match with his green silver tie on his white shirt.A hand with a wand-microphone can be seen from down the screen,an interviewers hand.


So..Mr Riddle..the first time you met Harry Potter,what happened?"

Tom Riddle:*fixes his already perfect hair,giving him a boyish adorable smile

" was actually very strange..I mean,it's not every day that you are in class and then suddenly having a strange boy you've never seen in your life coming out of a portkey and falling on your chair making everything a mess, right?It was one of the weirdest things that have ever happened to me-and I've seen many weird things.But when a stranger knows who you are..
well,things get really interesting there,
know what I mean??"

* The scene swiftly changes.Now we see a boy,again with raven hair but it's messy,more like looks like a hawks nest,sitting on a red golden armchair.
He has bright Avada Kedavra eyes and an awkward posture.He runs a hair trying to fix his hair-if possible.

"Is it better?No?It's alright...I'm used to it."He whispers looking nervously around him and then at the camera.

Once again we see the hand of the interviewer:

I:Mr Potter..let's begin,shall we?So..what was the first thing you thought when you traveled in Tom's time that fateful day?"

Harry:*smiles awkwardly

"The first thing I thought??"


Harry:*Chuckles unsettled

"Well..I was like..Shit.I'm screwed. I'm so so screwed.It was really frightening,
believe me. I mean,it's not every day that you travel fifty one years back and you just happen to fall into the future dark lords time,right?I was alone with only company him and his mindless minions,y'know??It was a nightmare!"

*The scene changes back to Tom.

I:How do you feel about Harry Potter??"

T:smirks suggestively

Careful Mr Davis, you're making it seem like I've got a thing for the brat.
Well,anyway,to answer your question..
he's an idiot.A completely stubborn teenager with a lot of issues.-And to imagine,that's coming from me.He's damaged and mistreated by those filthy muggle relatives of his-Honestly,once we go to his house in London for a little 'visit'..I'll make them regret the day they were born..-Oh,don't tell that to Harry,okay?Or I'll just have to kill you.
Got it?Good."

*Now we see a girl with long bushy hair and walnut like eyes,she has a slim figure and a huge book on her lap.Her chair is also red and golden.

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