💗💗 chapter 15 💗💗

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At jhalak rehearsal studio

After some day , the trio and vrushi is sitting in rehearsal hall as to selecting song and dance steps for there first performances.

Macy - There must be first introduction dance of all the contestants.

Shantanu - yess !! Then we had our first performances.

Nimit sir - So did you think anything about that shan.

Shantanu - I was actually thinking y not start with her forte with some innovative steps  so the pressure will become some less on us.

Macy - u mean contemporary dance!!

Nimit sir - but u said u will make her do other dance from then his Dance style.

Shantanu - I agree nimit, but we will play our cards slowly. If In first episode we show her weakness and strength then the pressure will be double .

Macy & nimit - you are right shan , ok fine we do contemporary with free style.

Shantanu - yup ! Fine

They all turn to vrushika how was just silently listening all the conversation.

Macy - what happen vrushy, are you not fine with contemporary with free style.

Vrushy - I m completely fine with that, I know u all will do best for me .

Shantanu fell bad as she is behaving weird after that day . She hardly do smile , she is not acting like kid, she is very serious every time.

He know the reason behind that , but was not sure to talk with her on this or not.

Next day at jhalak studio:-

Vrushika has come before the time of rehearsal. She was practicing some moves . When shan comes in . He saw her and move towards her . He wish her good morning with smile but she reply back good morning with lite smile. He was about to say something to her . When Macy & nimit comes in . They both walk to duo and wish them .

Macy - so are u guys ready can we start rehearsal.

Vrushy - ya of course Macy , let's start we must not waste our time.

The trio feel shock with vrushy answer . As they never see vrushy like this . No smile ,no natauki , no masti.

They all start there practices as they choose the song kind of some emotional.

Vrushan were practicing , Macy and nimit are instructing them what to do and what not.

They rehearse for long time . They decided to call for the day. Shantanu try to talk to vrushy but she is not giving him chance to talk with her. Next few days like Same before.

And the big day is arrived for next day.

Macy - so guy's we are ready for tomorrow.

Shan - kind of hope everything goes well !!

Nimit - don't worry Shan , everything will be superb .

The trio look towards vrushy , she is standing in front of mirror. She is not at all attend what the trio is saying , she is lost in her world.

Nimit - what happened to her , I had never seen him in this state.

Macy - right dude!! Me too she had hardly talk to us  now a day , no natauki no nakhra , no smile. I hope she is fine

Shan - I now vrushy u r hurt because of me . But I can't see u like this . I was missing my badheer.

Will shantanu able to make her smile again? Will he get back his badheer??

jhalak - the journey of friendship to love ( Completed) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt