"I mean, really?! What's wrong with being gay? It's not my choice. I was born like this and it's not like I can change what my mind and my body what I want. It's ridiculous. Though I'm not saying your ridiculous. I really like you. I like you a lot in fact. And I'll be damned if they're going to try and send me to live with my grandparent to go to an all boys school because I'll fight. I'll fight to get back to you. All because I'm in love with you!" He stopped his rant, his breathing coming off uneven. Then all his words seem to catch up with him as his hands shot up to cover his mouth. I felt the smile slowly pulling at the corner of my lips.

"In love with me?"

"No. I didn't mean it." I raised one of my eyebrows. "Well, I mean I did mean it but not if you didn't want it to mean anything because if you didn't feel the same way about me. That would just be awkward. Then I would be walking around like a fool because you stole my heart and I wouldn't be able to get over you that quickly, probably not at all, and then I woul-" I shut his adorable rant up by standing up and kissing him.

"You've been in love with me since freshman year." He gasped quietly.

"How did you know that?" I chuckled.

"You're a very loose-liped drunk." A brushed a strand of loose hair behind his ear. All the humor drained from my body. "How did you deal with all the mean stuff I did?"

"I didn't for awhile. But then dealt with the fact that this was going to be the only way I could touch you, or talk to you, or even just be able to look into those shimmering blue eyes." His eyes slowly drifted from where he was playing with my shirt up to look into mine. "Every time I shoved you or put my hands on you, I didn't to hurt you. I did it to feel closer. And now that I finally have you.....I'm afraid you're going to be taken away from me." I put my hands on the small of his back and pushed him so the whole length of our bodies were touching.

"Am I close enough?" He shook his head. "I'm not leaving. I'm not going to get taken away." It felt amazing for his chest to be pushing against mine with every breath.


"I swear on my soul that I'm not going anywhere." His hands were on the back of my neck, messing with my hair. A blush erupted over every inch of his smooth cheeks.

"I love you." The words were on the tip I my tongue. A knock sounded on the door. We jumped apart at the door opening up so I didn't get a chance to respond. His grandparents were standing in the doorway.

"Goodbye Adam." Mitch's grandmother dragged off his grandpa.

"Why do they call you Adam?" He made noise on the back of his throat. His arms folded on top of his chest.

"Mitch is gay but Adam isn't." He rolled his eyes. That's when I remember how his grandmother hit him.

"Can I see your legs?"

"The bruises will go away soon. Don't worry about me Scott." I pressed my lips against his.

"I'm always going to worry about you. Cause I love you too." His smile was the biggest I've ever seen. His parents called from downstairs.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Before school." He kissed me again. "You need to go. I'll walk you out." We held hands until we began walking down the stairs. He closed the door behind him once we were out in the cool breezy evening air. He looked even more gorgeous in the light of the setting sun. I heard his giggle. "Thanks."

"What?" I watch as he bit his lip and pushed his hair behind his ear shyly. His hand rested there. He was on the step above me so he was my height.

"I'm more gorgeous right now?" I let out a nervous breath.

"I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Oh yeah." He smile, pulling me forward for our lips to move together in the most passionate kiss we've ever shared. I kept my eyes closed as we pulled away from each other. I let my eyes flutter open. He was searching my face with tears falling from his eyes. My eyebrows drew together in concern. Him crying made my heart scream out.

"What's wrong baby?" He laughed at the nickname.

"You make me feel so beautiful and wonderful. And I hope I do the same to you." I went to respond but he put his finger on my lips. "So I'm not taking Zack up on his offer. Not until I'm with you first."

"He's not touching you. Ever. Do you understand? You're mine. And I don't mean to sound like your my property-"

"Shut up Scott." He glanced down at my lips. "I'm yours and you're mine."

"I like that." I kissed his cheek, backing away and holding his hand as long as I could before I couldn't feel his fingers in mine. "Bye Mitch." He fell backwards against his door and sigh contently. He couldn't wipe his smile.

"Bye lover boy." I heard him whisper. Well, that was just amazing. I can't believe he said that. I feel like a school girl with an undeniable crush on the most popular boy in school. And he had looked my way with the same emotions.

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