The Irony of Love Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"I wish for you to come back, is why."


Alythiea woke up panting her palms were sweating with outside the trees brushed her window. She knew she wouldn't be able to fall asleep so she got up and went outside in her pajamas. It was chilly out for a summer night. The wind played with her long white blond hair as the stars seemed to be whispering secrets to each other. Small leaves blown across the dead empty street and the only comforting noise she had was the faint mumbling of the highway. Her loose purple stripped pants whipped like flags in the wind as she walked to the park.

The swings were being pushed by the wind as she watched a frail old lady walk by with a cart full of dolls signing "They'll find you with your dolls they'll find you in your grave. They'll dig it for you." The old lady looked around as if something was watching her and gasped as she ran away. Alythiea walked towards a park bench that was sitting under a tree. She began to walk to it when someone grabbed her wrist.

"My darling dear," An old raspy voice came from behind her "Now what are you doing out here at such a time like this?" When she turned hoping to see Aiden with all her heart, it was an old man. Wrinkles lined his face, as right under his chin looked like it could use a shaving, a huge pot belly hung underneath a lose baggy stained tee shirt. When I disgusting smile flew across his face she tried to twist her wrist and back away. "Oh no, no , no. I'll walk you home pretty." She opened her mouth to scream but he swiftly p slapped his hand on to her mouth and fastened on tightly.

Her eyes grew wide as Alythiea noticed a shadow in the corner of her eye. Tears began to fall when the old man started to walk. She tried to stop but he somehow kept her moving. Shadows began to dance in the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of what looked like to be another male figure. The Old Man looked to when he looked his grip loosened and Alythiea broke free running she ran towards her house.

"Hey! You! Little girl! Get back here!" The Old Man yelled

To scared to scream at all she kept running, her feet seemed to be moving so smoothly when she looked down they looked normal, but when she looked up she saw Aiden. Just standing I the middle of the street, Alythiea knocked into Aiden making him stumble back some.

"Whoa Princesses where you going?" he asked his eyes so different, so alien to the last time she looked into them.

"Help me." She whispered as she looked back to see the Old Man jogging towards her.

"I will," Aiden whispered back, "For you my Princesses, anything." And he wrapped his soft long arms around her.

When the Old Man finally came up he was panting "You Mister hand over my daughter she's not supposed to be out this late." He held out his hand as if asking for money.

"She is not your daughter you disgusting basterd." Aiden snapped, his arms began to grow extremely warm, even felt hot.

The Old Man walked up to Alythiea and put his hand on her arm "Come on," Aiden grabbed the Old Mans hand, letting go of her. Aidens hand seemed to be glowing by the slightest bit he stared at the Old Man with a look of such hatred, "You, leave her alone."

The Old Man stared back blankly but then slowly nodded. "Good." Aiden let go and the Old Man shook his head vigorously and yelled rubbing his hand. Aiden walked back over toward Alythiea, "Do you want me to walk you home?" His eyes underneath his dark brown waves looked so dark and mysterious. She nodded breathlessly staring at his perfect face, under the moon Aiden look so different, more wild and alert.

He took her hand and knotted his fingers with hers, they slowly made their way back but when they got to her porch Aiden leaned against the rails looking even more inviting. "Do-" Aiden looked up "Do you wanna come in for a minute, have some water or something?" she asked feeling stupid. A smile danced at his lips, "Sure, I'd love to." She held the door open, when he walked by she smelt campfire and sea salt and a hint of mint.

She showed him the couch and dashed into the kitchen "Hey! What do you want I have orange juice, milk, water?" She yelled into the other room.

"Umm...I'll have some water," He said she heard him chuckle at something. When she went out into the living room she found him watching T.V on the couch. Alythiea handed him the water and he took a sip. He sat it down on the coffee table and looked at her.

"What?" she asked

Aiden scooted closer she could see the faint smile on his lips, his large hazel eyes looking at her, Alythiea began to laugh as this time she kissed him. Moving to the point where she sat on top of his lap Aiden's hands rested on her hips his thumbs lightly caressing her back. Alythiea placed her wrists on his shoulders she gently pushed him into the pillows of her couch.

He kissed her fore head and he whispered huskily "Oh, Alythiea" he said her name with a strange ascent which only made her want to kiss him more "If your mother was to find out."

"I don't have a mother" she smiled mischievously

"OH yes you do, which is why I much rather stay alive." He sat her back upright off of him. "I need to go, and you need to come with me." He looked at her, "You must come to meet your parents, Princesses."

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