Missing (8)

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After staring at the ceiling for hours replaying the dream in my mind I started to believ it. I analized every second of it, and still I didn't know why he killed my mother or why he tried to kill me. I thought about confronting him; asking him about my mother, that night, but fear shot right through me like lightning,

The sun was rising now and Draco was still fast asleep, I crept out of bed and tip toed across the room. I opened the heavy door and it let out a ear piercing skreech, I shifted my gaze to Draco seeing if he awoke, but no he was still sound asleep. I then slipped through the tiny crack and was now standing in the hallway. I shut Draco's door and turned to see his father, oh no I thought.

"I see you and Draco are still acting childish," Said Lucius in an acid tone. "You should know Draco dos not have time for you anymore, even though school is done he will still be very busy. Without YOU." He said eyes widening as if trying to burn away my soul or something.

That's it I thought, he can't keep saying things like this to me. "Well he seems to be busy like you said, but you got one thing wrong." I said trying not to smile.

"And thatt would be what? That you're a -----." Lucius began to turn to me as  he was leaving.

"No nothing like that. He's busy but it's not with you or my father, it's with me acting....mhhmmm what was the word?" I began to grin and tapped my fingers against my cheek. I pointed to him and began again. "RIGHT, childish." I smile nice and big then rush into my room without another word.

I leanedagainst the hardwood doors and let out a hugerelieving sig That felt sooogoood, I thought. He can't just keep insulting me, but I knew he still constantly would. I stood up and smiled proud of myself,now to te other thin on my mind, what was I going t wear? Wha was I going to do oday?

My door opened slowly and Dracoemerged still in hisboxers. "I heared what you said tomy father." He said closing the dorr andnow went to sit on my bed, I came closer playing with the fringe on my pillow.

"I'm sorry, I just got so tired of him insulting me, you."I said.

"It's fine, I just don't want him to burst out at you again, what if I'm not there? So please just try andavoid him, I know and you know how he gets." Draco finished and I know by his tone that this was deeply troubling him.

"I promise to try and avoid him, don't wry I don'tthikhe'll touch me while you're here." I said in relief.

"He might still, and I swear if he lays one hand on you I'll!!" He was standing now hands flying inthe air, voice rising.

"Draco, Draco it's okay. I know." I said s I cameover to him and put my handso his face. He calmed down and sat. "So what should wedo today?" I asked Draco. Hesat therelooking at his hand nd ethe floor, he needed to get out, he needed to do somethiing.

"Veneena!!!" Exclaimed Voldemort as he came bursting into myt room. He looked at Draco and spokeagain. "Get dressed child!Meet meinthe thronerooI have news!" He was somewhat slightly excited. "Draco you aswell." Then he left slamming the doors.

Draco left so I could get dressed and him too. I pulled half my long hair back and had little flowers going down it. Once dressed I met Draco in the hall and we walked down to the throne room.

"We've done it!" Voldemort yelled with joy. "The minister of magic is dead! The ministry is ours!"

I looked at Draco, confused about this "great" accomplishment. "What is so great about that? " I asked. Father stopped in his tracks and turned his head then his body, now comingcloser.

"Now I make the rules, I havemore power than you can ever imagine." He said smiling. "Harry Potter has everything to fear once you child find him for me." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Veneena I ask one more thing  of you. This will make me ever more powerful than I already am, it is an honour what I am doing for you. Will you become a death eater? No stop, you will become a death eater."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2012 ⏰

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