Sense of feeling (6)

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The holidays had ended and Draco once again went back to Hogwarts. Father was planning another attack on the Potter boy, but he decided to hold back an let him suffer the loss of Dumbldore. Yes it was getting closer to the end of the year, and Draco had to do his deed.

The closer we got the more everyone became anxious. The Malfoys scared for Draco but I knee they didn't care. Lucius would be worried that no one else would be there to take his beatings. And Narcissa worried for Lucius but none worried for Draco. Was no one scared for him? He would die if he didn't do it, did no one but me care for his life?

I went outside feeling the air kiss my skin, it smelt so sweet. The morning air was fresh and uncontaminated with the harsh smells. I went to the stables to get Nightfire ready for a ride.

(Draco's pov)

I walked into the large hall to see Potter talking to Katie Bell. He turned around to look at me, he examined my every move. Did he know anything? He started to walk towards me and I bolted out the doors, pushing away anyone in my way . I came into the boys washroom and threw water on my face, I was burning. I started to cry, I had failed. Veneena and I would be killed and its all my fault.

I looked up and saw Potter in the doorway, he said something but I didn't hear him. Soon we were battling throwing spells from our wands, I almost had him until I heard him yell an unfamiliar spell.

"Sectum sempra!" He yelled and I went flying into the puddle of water on the washroom floor. My body hurt more than I've ever felt, and blood dyed my shirt. I could smell it all around me, what was happening? I was now gasping for air, everything going blurry. The last thing I saw before passing out was Potter and Snape.

(Veneena's pov)

Nightfire and I stopped by a meadow we passed. I picked some of the prettiest flowers I've ever seen; blue roses, purple roses, rainbow lilies and pink daisys. I put them into my saddle and headed back.

When I came back and went inside Narcissa was waiting fo me, she looked upset.

"Draco is in his room and wishes to see you." She spoke quiet trying not to cry. "Help him." She finished and walked away.

Draco was home? But it wasn't even four yet, something was wrong you could tell by the way Narcissa was acting. I came upstairs to Draco's room and saw him looking out his window. He wasn't wearing his shirt and on his side and chest were bandages, red stained them.

"Draco?" I said coming over to him. When he turned to me his eyes were dark, tired, his hair a mess. I put my hands to the bandages and he didn't move he just asked.

"Am I going insane?"

"Draco why would you ask that?" He didnt move but asked again.

"Am I going insane? Am I turning into my father?" I put my hands to his face making him look at me.

"No you're not. You're not your father." I said. He walked away from me sitting down on his hed looking at the ground.

"I can't sleep. Every night haunts me, like he knows or something. Potter he watches me, they all watch me." He said still looking at the ground.

"Draco you don't have to do it." I said coming closer. He grabbed my wrists and pushed me up against his wardrobe, his eyes wild.

"I have to. I have to. He'll kill me, he'll kill you. I have to." He said yelling then mear the end calming down. "I'm sorry." He said letting go. "I-Im scared."

* * * *

Draco had gone back to Hogwarts, he was so different. I had to change my father's mind. I came downstairs and saw him talking to Bellatrix and the other DeathEaters.

"Stop it!" I yelled interupting them all. "Why are you doing this?" I asked coming closer standing inbetween the Death Eaters and my father. "Draco is scared." I said in a whisper.

"Isn't everyone? I'm doing this for you. If he loves you he'll do this." He said turning away from me.

"I know he loves me! You don't need to threaten him just so he can prove it to you!" I screamed. I tried to get closer but the Death Eaters held me back, father told them to hold their ground.

"He will do it tonight, daughter." He said calmly.

"No!" I cried but he sent the Death Eaters off to leave.

"You will go with them, watch your Draco kill someone for you. And if he doesn't then you will watch him die." He said laughing.

"You monster!" I cried as the Death Eaters dragged me away to the vanishing cabinet.

* * * *

I stayed hidden below, I could see Draco he was crying and talking to Dumbldore. The Potter boy was on tje opposite side watching aswell.

"I have to do this, I have to kill you. Or he's going to kill me." Said Draco crying. I wish I could go up there and do it myself, stop Draco from doing it but in the end he didnt do it. Another man did and the Potter boy ran after him.

When we were all back at the castle everyone was celebrating my father as well. But not Draco and I, we never saw the point in it.

Father summond both Draco and I. "Draco, so you didn't do it did you?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Someone else did it before him father." I said defending him.

"No I didn't." Said Draco.

"That's right,and you remember our deal don't you?" Voldemort asked Draco.

"Yes, I do." Draco replied looking at the floor.

"Father dont!" I yellled. "Did you do this to hurt me, and everyone? Don't kill Draco, I beg of you. Dumbldore is dead, thats what you wanted. So don't kill Draco."

"Child, why shouldn't I?" Voldemort asked.

"Because if you do I'll hate you forever." I said.

"I see, fine. Draco can live." He said and I smiled with Draco. "But I'm watching you, and next time you won't get off so easy."

"Thank you," Said Draco as we began to leave.

"LEAVE BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!" Voldemort yelled.

It seems that Voldemort had a soft spot for his daughter, he'd rather save Draco than have me hate him forever. But some things only last for awhile and tomorrow surely he would be back to his hated self. Tonight Draco and I lay together happy it is no longer our last.

Voldemort's Daughter (Harry Potter Fanfic) (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ