The Beginning

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I'm just a regular fangirl who loves way too many groups and can't remember all their names. And like many other fangirls i also want to meet my idols. However i have a problem, i don't speak Korean! And like many other stories this is how i met my idols.

It was a dark and stormy evening- kidding. It was a rainy and windy evening when I decided to finally go outside for once. Great idea, i know. I decided to go to a park and sit in the rain. Bouncing out the front door, I immediately regretted all my life choices but it was too late to turn back now.

It was a weird walking in public for the first in forever. It felt like all eyes were on me, waiting for me to mess up somehow. However i wasn't going to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me mess up.

And at this moment life decided to be a butt. The wind picked up, along with my hair. Blinded by my own hair i had to stop and move the little devils away from my face. Then i walked straight into a pole and remembered exactly why I don't go outside.

Embarrassment bubbled in me making me stare intently at the ground below me the entire walk to the park.

The park was quiet. The only thing you could hear was the rain hitting the ground. Sitting under the trees i let myself get lost in my thoughts.

Feeling someone touch me I automatically snap out of it. The person had placed a sweater over me.

"Hey, I appreciate it and all but I don't need your sweater." I take off the sweater and try handing it back to him. To which he shook his head and gave me a small motion as for me to keep it. As i stared at him weirdly he started walking away.

"Wait wait wait! I really don't need it!"

However he didn't turn around. I sighed. I scanned the sweater to look for anything i could possibly use to find the mysterious boy again. And sadly nothing. Deciding to take it home I realized the boy looked familiar. But had i seen him before?

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