Chapter Twelve

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"Hello Sweetheart," a voice said from behind me.

     I turned around but I couldn't see anything. it was pitch black and I didn't know where I was. I tried maneuvering myself to walk ahead, but something was restraining me. It didn't feel comfortable at all. 

" Going somewhere," the voiced asked.

     The voice sounded familiar. I have heard it before, but I don't know the name of the person the voice belongs to. I tried moving again but somehow my feet were tied down by rope. I tried reaching them to untie them, but my waist was also securely restrained. I officially couldn't move. Although my hands were free to roam wherever. I felt my body and I shockingly realized I had no clothes on whatsoever. I shrieked in horror and tried pulling the rope that was securing my whole body. It somehow was wrapping itself around my body. This is impossible I thought and tried struggling but unfortunately it didn't work. 

     I screamed in frustration and now the voice was laughing. I tried to not focus on it and figure out a way to get this rope off of me so I can somehow escape, but nothing was working. I was becoming afraid for whatever might come and hoped that talking my way out will work considering it was my only option now.

" Please don't do this. I won't tell anyone. I promise. Please," I begged beginning to sob.

" Oh, and what fun will be in letting you go. All you are is just a whore. A pet! You are forever my slave and you will fulfill my every wish. After all, I am the one in control."

     This guy was absolutely nuts. I may not be getting out of here, but I'm not going to be anyone's doormat. I tried struggling more, but then I stopped. It seems like the more I move the more rope was being wrapped around me. 

" You're smart. As you can see, every time you struggle the rope grows longer and wraps around you. If you keep this up it may even suffocate you,": he said chuckling. 

     He's right. This was absolutely hopeless. I will never get out of here if I keep struggling and it'll only add to his enjoyment. I started crying uncontrollably and even though I was completely tied up. I allowed myself to go limp. My life is now in his hands supposedly. I might as well give up.

" Oh don't cry now darling. I'll be quick. Although, I can't guarantee it won't be painful," he replied laughing evilly.

     I didn't know what he was going to do but whatever it is, it doesn't sound too good. Well not for me anyways. Questions now roamed my mind. Is he going to hit me? Is he going to hurt me in every possible way? Or will he kill me? What is he going to do?

" Ah, I can't tell you that. It's a special surprise," he said as if he's reading my mind.

     He probably is reading my mind.

" You are on point. For someone who is pale and too skinny, you are very smart. I just love how you're catching on. It's too bad that none of this will help you get out of here or save your mistake of a life."

" Gee thanks. You were probably awarded the gold medal for blowing people's self esteem."

" Ha! And you are funny too. I like you, goth girl."

" Thank y- wait.. What did you just call me?"

" Oh, goth girl. That is your name, isn't it? That's what they called you in high school. Don't you remember? I also called you it maybe once or twice at Jeff's party. You must remember that."

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