sleepless nights

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Hey, nerds! This a/n is very long and it summarizes some things you might want to know about this fanfic. If you want to skip this, it will not impair how you view this story at all, so it's completely up to you.

So, first off, this isn't cannon.

*riots ensue*

Okay, okay, hear me out!

I have no intention of always following the original show. *Shrugs*

Supernatural is so homophobic, okay? Like, god. (If you don't believe me then give me one, (1) good reason why Destiel isn't cannon yet.

Explain to me how Charlie's sexuality wasn't originally anything short of a joke. (There was no foreshadowing for it, it was just a massive lead up to her not knowing how to flirt with the security guard.) Not to mention she wasn't supposed to ever be in the show again, she only came back because she was a hit with viewers.

Also, the plot can be pretty shit at times.

(Don't get me wrong, I adore this show. It might not seem like it but I swear it's true)

With a character like Alyssa, things are just going to change. (Butterfly effect and all) Some parts will take longer, others will be shorter, and others will be completely skipped. You'll see what I mean as we go along.

Also, don't read this story if you're any form of queerphobic. Transphobic, homophobic, aphobic, any of it. Just leave now. (I won't tolerate hate in the comments. They will be deleted immediately with no acknowledgement when I see them.)

This isn't necessarily relevant to the plot, but I'm putting as much representation in this as possible, so you've been warned.

John is abusive. This fact is hardly covered in the show, and the hurt he caused is basically ignored. I, however, will fully acknowledge all of his flaws and I will make no excuses for him.

New characters will be added in this! Old ones will serve a bigger plot service! They're all great!

I looove constructive criticism! I don't respond well to aggressive comments!

If you comment hate directed at me then I'm like, fine? Idk not fine but I'm tougher than that. If you comment something hateful directed at *anyone* else, (Aside from fictional characters) then we're gonna have some issues.

I'm gonna be inconsistent and have plot errors. Not all chapters will be the same quality and honestly, I doubt I'll go back and edit them. I'll give this my best shot, but between school, relationships, theatre, other writing projects and all the other stuff in my life, I can't guarantee anything.

Reviews are why I write. I want to believe that I could just write for myself, but I can't. I need to know that people are reading and caring about my story. So please, even if you just comment to say that you're still reading, it would mean the world to me.

This story is following a certain aesthetic, and I'm not going to explain it, but if I never use capital letters in chapter titles, please don't complain about it.

I love Dodie Clark. And a lot of the chapter titles are going to reference her songs, so I take no credit for the creation of those titles or lyrics.

I also just love music, so most of the titles will reference my music list. (And it's so random omg)

I take suggestions! You got ideas, I'm fully ready to accept them! (If I like them)

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