I sigh and start running again. I hope she has to clean up my puke.

My stomach grumbles again. Way louder than the first time. My throat starts to burn and I taste something sour. Next thing I know there is puke all over the floor and all the girls are screaming.

"We need to get you to the nurse's office." Mrs. Gabel says like she is actually concerned. "Lachlan!" She shouts. "You take Natalie to the nurses office. Everyone else keep running!"

I blew out a long breath.

Lachlan smiles. "Isn't it?" He said sweetly, completely ignoring the fact that my voice was dripping sarcasm.
I wasn't about to let this guy ruin my only change at cleaning myself up, and acting like nothing happened. I am not going home.

"So you gonna walk me to the office or what?" I quipped, bumping his hip with mine as I walked past him. "Well?" I said expectantly. He came out of his pretty-girl trance and cleared his throat. "Uhm, Yeah. Sure." He started walking to catch up with me.

He turns a corner and leads me to the girls bathroom. "Uh- What are you doing?" I ask. "Getting you cleaned up." He replies and wets a paper towel.

"But, your in the girls bathroom!" I whisper-yell. "You act like I've never been in here before." He laughs like I said the most stupid thing in the world. "And what were doing in here?" I ask, curiosity taking the better of me. He just smiles and wipes my face with the wet paper towel.

"Are you still a virgin?" I blurt out.

"Woah, woah. Uhm-"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of asked. There has just been a lot of gossip about you lately." His smile fades, "No it's fine. I'd hate for you to have the wrong image of me."


"I am going to tell you right now that I am a virgin. I may have had a few beers and then some, but never would I do that. I can give quite a steamy make out session, but never all the way. Never." He explains.

This has made it way more awkward than it needed to be. Why would I even ask? I never had a really conversation with the guy, and I just go ahead and ask. I said like some thirsty bitch.

"Let's go." He says wiping his wet hands on his pants, leaving faint handprints.

The rest of the way to the nurses office was awkward. His arms remained at his sides. I feel terrible. I thought of him like he was some outrageous rule-breaking bad boy when really he is a nice guy. Probably one of the most selfless guys I have ever met.

"My mom is coming to pick me up." I told the nurse.

"Okay, you can go ahead and sit in the office if you'd like." She replied.

I sighed and opened the door to the office. Lachlan sat a few feet away from me.

I thought he left.

I walked over to the chairs and sat down next to him.

"Are you going home?" He asked. "Yeah."

We exchanged a few words after that. I could tell he was at a loss for words. What really is there to say? We barely know anything about each other.

My mom came 10 minutes later to pick me up.

"Do you have everything?" Mom asks. I pull my backpack over my shoulder and check my pockets." Wait, where is my phone?"

"I have it." Lachlan says embarrassed. He hands me my phone back with the biggest smile on his face. "What did you do?" I ask. "Nothing!" He laughs.

"I don't believe you, but okay."" I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Oh and Natalie! Don't eat anymore cafeteria food." He smiles at me.

"I won't."

As soon as I get in the car I check my phone. He put his contact in my phone:

Lachlan "The Virgin"

I check my messages and already see that he sent me a text.

"Make sure to call me sometime - your virgin friend, Lachlan."

I guess it's a joke now..

"Oh my god." I whisper to myself and smile.

"I see you were talking to Lachlan." My mom remarks. "How do you know his name?" I ask.

"His mom and I have tea together sometimes." She replied like I should know.

Who even has tea anymore?

"I don't want you hanging around him Natalie-"

"Mom!" I shout, annoyed by her quick decision. "Just hear me out Natalie. He has done some bad things. I don't want you picking up his bad habits." She explains.

"Yeah, SOME bad things! Mom, he is really nice and-"

"You just met the boy! You don't know anything about him!" She snaps.

"What does it matter!? I can change him Mom!" I snap back, sounding strange.

"No! I refuse to let you do this to yourself again! These guys don't care about you Natalie!"

Smile - LachlanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang