19. i dont have time for games

Start from the beginning

"i have to show you something but, you have to close your eyes." stiles told her as she rolled her eyes at him playfully.

"stiles, i don't have time for games." skylar said with a chuckle.

stiles pulled out a blindfold and showed it to skylar as he shrugged. she let out a sigh and gave in, letting him put it over her eyes. once he put it on her, he held her waist from behind and lead her into the gym of the school.

"stiles how much further? i'm getting nervous." skylar admitted as they made it to the middle of the gym.

"we're here. don't take off the blindfold till i say, okay babe?" stiles asked her and she nodded.

she felt stiles take his hands off her waist slowly and she was even more confused. what was stiles up to?

"you can take it off now." stiles told her.

she let out a small chuckle and took off the blindfold. when she looked where she was, she was in the gym of the school. it had been decorated nicely and their were lights hung all around. balloons were also everywhere she looked.

stiles walked over to his girlfriend who was in aw. he grabbed her hands, gently placing them in his which caught her attention.

"this is the place that i first danced with you, the place where i kissed you for the first time. it's also the place i asked you to be mine. i was a kid in the third grade obsessing over my best friend who i never thought would ever like me back. then i ended up falling in love with her. but even when i fell in love with you, you still managed to be my best friend. so i stand here right now hoping that this will also be the place you'll become mine, forever." stiles said as he got down on one knee.

skylars heart was beating so quickly and she felt tears well up in her eyes. she knew what he was doing now. she saw him pulled out a small black box from his pocket and slowly open it, revealing a silver ring with a small diamond on it. it was small and simple, skylar had always told stiles she never liked big jewelry.

"skylar louise davis, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?" stiles asked her as she put her hands over her mouth, speechless.

tears were now falling down her face and she could see that scott, malia and lydia were in the corner recording everything.

"yes, i'll marry you stiles." skylar managed to say causing a smile to break out on stiles' face.

stiles got up and took the ring, placing it gently on skylars ring finger. skylar looked down at the ring then stiles picked skylar up, swinging her around.

"she said yes!" he said excitedly making skylar giggle.

stiles put skylar down and she quickly grabbed his face, kissing him softly and passionately. skylar ran her fingers through his hair making him hum into the kiss. stiles tilted his head, getting better access to her lips.

"okay, break it up you two." malia told them as the three of them walked over to the happy couple.

"we told you she'd say yes." lydia told stiles.

"aw, you were nervous that i'd say no?" skylar asked him.

"well, yeah. i was a nervous wreck but it was all worth it." stiles replied.

"you are a nervous wreck, but i still love you for it." skylar said smiling.

"i love you more." stiles said, smiling sweetly.

"i can't believe my two best friends are getting married! you guys are engaged!" scott said.

scott was extremely happy for stiles and skylar, he watched their relationship grow over the years. despite all their ups and downs, skylar and stiles always remained good to one another.

skylar and stiles were both happy and excited that they were able to start a life together and a family.


skylar and stiles were back at their apartment and it was late at night, skylar had went to the bathroom and she started with a headache. whenever she had a headache, she couldn't sleep.

it was the type of headaches she'd get from her psychopomp ability.

skylar could toss and turn all night and she wouldn't sleep till the morning. she didn't feel like going back into bed and bugging stiles by keeping him awake with her small groans.

she went over to grab a blanket and a pillow and made her spot on the couch. she laid down and she immediately felt her head start to throb.

stiles had walked downstairs noticing that skylar wasn't beside him anymore. he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water then put his glass in the sink.

once he got into the living room, he saw that skylar was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, causing him to become confused.

"hey, baby, what's wrong?" stiles asked kneeling down to her height.

"i don't feel well, stiles." skylar mumbled as she closed her eyes softly and stiles frowned.

"what's wrong, skye?" stiles asked, softly caressing her arm.

"my head hurts again." skylar told him as he let out a sigh.

"i'll go get you some aspirin, babe." stiles told her as she opened her eyes to look at him.

"thank you." skylar replied as a smile made its way onto her face.

stiles smiled back before getting up and grabbing the pill and getting her a glass of water. he walked back over to her, put the pill in her hand and passed her the glass of water.

skylar put the pill in her mouth before swallowing a mouth full of water and she passed the glass back to stiles and laid back on the couch.

"what do you think you're doing?" stiles asked her.

"i don't wanna keep you up with my groaning and not to mention all my tossing and turning." skylar replied as he shock his head.

"skye, it's okay. do you know what will keep me up? knowing my beautiful fiancé is sleeping on the couch instead of beside me in bed." stiles replied as she gave him a small smile.

"that's the first time you've called me that." skylar said as he let out a small chuckle.

"i love the sound of calling you my fiancé. you, skylar davis are my fiancé." stiles said.

"i can't believe i'm stiles stilinskis fiancé." skylar said making stiles smile sweetly and kiss her forehead.

stiles picked up skylar bridal style and skylar chuckled, not sure what he was doing.

"stiles, what are you doing?" skylar asked him.

"i'm putting my fiancé to bed so she can get her beauty rest. even though she doesn't need much of that." stiles said as he carried skylar up the stairs.

skylar held onto his neck and laid her head down on his chest, taking in his scent that she loved so much. once they got into their bedroom, stiles gently placed skylar down in the bed and put the blankets over her before getting in bed himself.

"i love you." skylar said.

"i love you too my wonderful fiancé." stiles said, kissing her cheek and pulling her closer to him.

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