11. i need paris

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skylar was with scott while he was setting up the lacrosse field for the practice

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skylar was with scott while he was setting up the lacrosse field for the practice. after graduation, scott became the assistant coach alongside coach finnstock. skylar was in the bleachers watching since she had nothing better to do. skylar hadn't applied to medical school yet considering it didn't feel right to leave beacon hills just yet. skylar, scott, lydia and malia hadn't left beacon hills however, malia was planning to travel to paris.

"don't you have anything better to do?" scott asked skylar as she watched him paint the white lines on the ground.

"nope. although, watching assistant coach mccall set up isn't exactly how i'd like to be spending my time." skylar told him, making him chuckle.

"then why are you here?" scott asked her.

"it's either i'm here or, i'm with my mom trying to figure out who's spray painting some old guys lawn gnomes." skylar told him as she magically made a ball float up and down to try and entertain herself.

scott turned and saw her making the ball float up and down and raised an eyebrow.

"what? i'm bored." skylar said.

"skye, just go home." scott told her.

"actually, i think i've found something to entertain me." skylar said as she used her magic to make the ball hit scott in the arm.

"ow! why would you do that!" scott asked rubbing his arm.

"sorry scotty, i'll stop now." skylar said laughing.

"have you talked to stiles lately?" scott asked her.

skylars face lite up at the mention of her boyfriends name and it made scott happy to see her so happy.

"yeah, i talked to him last night. his first class is today. he sounded so excited." skylar said with a small smile.

"i still can't believe it took you guys so long to end up back together." scott said making skylar roll her eyes and throw another ball at his arm with her magic.

"ow! that was the same arm." scott said as skylar laughed.

the practice soon began and skylar was going to watch liam play. soon payton showed up and sat next to her sister along with caleb.

"so, what's the news on the gnome situation?" skylar asked them.

"hey! nice work, diaz. nolan, you stay in there you can take him." skylar heard scott say.

it made skylar smile to see him so happy to be assistant coach. she knew that scott wasn't going to be in that position long since he was going to be a vet.

"turns out, his daughter thought they were creepy so she ruined them thinking he'd get rid of them all." caleb told skylar making her laugh.

"nice work. that's the best shot of pre season." scott told one of the players.

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