bury me in the bathroom mirror

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everything is different and i am addicted to the feeling of cold iron in my hands

fifteen pounds put on my thighs and arms instead of shaved off

plates clean of crumbs instead of picked over and sad, i do not look at food like an enemy

but as a friend

2500 calories down today and the scale climbs higher

my heart soars with each pound added and i wonder how i got this far

one year ago i trembled and my ribs caved in, my body a collapsing star

now it is strong, so strong and i could move mountains if i wanted to

i used to bury myself in the bathroom mirror and want nothing more than to change what i saw

but now i could stare at my reflection for centuries and not feel so bad at all.

( a poem about my journey through powerlifting and weight gain!! i really encourage anyone who feels self conscious about themselves to give working out or lifting weights a try. it has changed my life for the better and has really helped me push through insecurities and struggles with eating disorders. i hope all of you can feel confident and happy in your own skin :)

nevermind + poetry.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat