Chapter 12

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Eliza's POV

Okay, maybe last night didn't go as expected. I thought that when I would see Niall I would hate him all over again but when his crystal blue eyes looked into mine my heart melted a little and I just couldn't hate him. I wanted to but I couldn't.

I was woken by a loud thump. My eyes opened slightly and I was taken aback by the unfamiliar surroundings. Suddenly I remembered the day before. Niall had asked me to come to the hotel. I introduced myself to the boys and the last thing I remember I was drifting off into a deep sleep.

I stood up suddenly becoming very dizzy and unsteady from my quick movement. I made my way to the small kitchen to get some breakfast but when I got to my favourite room (the kitchen) I realised I wasn't the only person that was awake.

"Can you cook me some food?" an English accent spoke.

"Well that's nice, get the guest to cook, Louis," I spoke.

"Oh, sorry I thought you were Harry but since you're here, can you cook me some breakfast? I would but I would burn the hotel down,"he replied.

I giggled "What happened to room service?" I asked him.

He looked me, gave me the ingredients and then he walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes and got to work. The smell of bacon filled room as it sizzled in the pan.

Harry's POV

Something fishy was going on. First of all I was sure I had seen that girl before, what was she called again? Oh yeah Eliza! It was something about the way she held herself together. The way her and niall exchanged awkward glances every few minutes, before turning away. I just remembered the story about the girl that Niall had 'cheated' on, the girl that Niall cryed over, because he had been framed, kissed by a drunk girl while papparazzi was near. i had a very funny feeling about all of this. But how did they all connect? I had a plan to find out. All I needed was some time and some help.

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