Chapter Ten. What a Shocker I'm Back.

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"Oh Nick finished all of this weeks classwork for all of his classes so that he could help. He was very understanding when we came to him for help. He has nothing to do this week besides help you. So take advantage of the extra help Spencer. Don't drive yourself crazy." She said and then left the room. 

Why would Nick go through the trouble of doing all of his assignments for a week just to help his enemy? 

I looked over at the end of the table and there sat a box with all of my work in it. 7 subjects. 5 days. This should be easy.. I grabbed out the first subject which was my favorite. English. I started looking at all of the work. This was too easy I could do this in my sleep. So I started. I got into the zone and finished one whole worksheet in 10 minuets. When I looked up from the paper Nick was sitting across from me staring at me. 

"When did you get here?" I asked him. He smiled. 

"I got here like 5 minuets ago. You didn't hear the door shut or see me sit down? I just figured you were ignoring me." 

"Nope I was in the zone. But now that you're here I should be honest with you. I don't really need your help. We both know how smart I am. I'm sure I can figure all of this out on my own. You can go do whatever since you've already completed all of your work for this week and don't have to go to class. I won't tell. I would just rather get this all done on my own." I gave him the you can go stare and he just ran a hand over his face and then looked at me with his beautiful golden brown eyes. 

"Spencer, there is a lot of work here for you to do in one week. Will you please just let me help you? I promise I won't murder you." He said staring straight into my eyes. 

"Why do you want to help me Nick? We're enemies remember?" 

"Because I know what you're going through. It's not easy to just jump back into things like this. I know what it's like to lose your parents." He said and looked down. I had no idea he lost both of his parents. He always had parents at his football games and everything. 

"Then who are the people that are always at your football games and events and everything?" 

"That is my aunt and uncle. They took me in after my parents died when we were in middle school." 

"I had no idea.." 

"No one knows. The only people that know are my best friends, family, the school and you." 

"Fine. I'll take your help. Just please don't be mean to me this week." I whispered the last part and he nodded. 

"I'm sorry for being so mean to you for the past four years." 

"It's fine. I'm a strong girl because of it." I muttered and got back to work. 

For the first part of the day we worked on my English. We got a good amount done. When the lunch bell sounded off he jumped up. 

"I'm starved. You coming?" 

"Yeah I'm just gonna finish this up real quick." I said and he nodded and left the room. 

I wasn't about to go and get gawked at by people while I tried to eat lunch. I just stayed in the room and finished more English work. There was 5 minuets left of lunch so I left the room to go to the rest room. 

I got into the bathroom and into a stall and I was just about to pee when I heard a couple girls walk in talking. 

"Did you hear that Nick has to spend all week helping that nerd Spencer? I mean I thought she was smart. I guess just because the only person that ever loved you dies means you lose some brain cells. Poor Nick." Some girl snickered. 

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