Chapter 10- Bloodlines

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Orion Black was fuming internally.

It was nine months since the day he had unceremoniously dumped Bellatrix on Narcissa's doorstep. Nine agonizing months, which Bella and the infernal muggle - Orion couldn't believe he had ever found him funny - had spent at the Malfoy Manor, and Orion had spent stewing at the Black mansion. The 'bastard business', as Orion called it, had been naturally kept under the wraps. Orion didn't want any of his daughter's frivolities besmirching the pristine reputation he had spent the last couple of decades creating. The family name could not suffer on his watch. Orion knew his father was probably turning in his grave, what with one of his granddaughters missing, one fornicating with muggles, and one grandson even going as far as becoming an Auror. Orion shuddered internally, only his nephew Regulus Black was a Black with proper pureblood pride, for he had joined the noble cause of the death eaters. What was rather strange, mused Orion, that five children with exactly the same upbringing had chosen such different paths in life.

Orion had spent the day riding aimlessly around his estate, punishing elves helter-skelter to vent his frustration out on the world. Circumstances, destiny or fate as some would call it had turned the most joyous occasion of becoming a grandfather into something shameful. His son in law Lucius had just visited the Mansion to inform them that Bellatrix had gone into labour. About time thought Orion, his wife had been fretting from the last month, as Bellatrix's due date had come and went. Orion released a sigh of relief, at least he would not have to endure his wife's many speculations on what all could have gone wrong with their daughter. For allowing a healer to see Bellatrix was out of the question. He was happy the half blood spawn was out of his daughter's body. All Orion had to concentrate on now was on the execution of the plan he had carefully crafted all these months.

Orion galloped over to the mansion and as soon as he reached the porch, he dismounted. The groom came hurrying forward to get the reigns from his master - lest another round of crucio made its way. Orion strode over to the parlour and rang for his afternoon tea. He saw his wife descending elegantly from the grand staircase to join him in the sitting room. As Vaiola approached him Orion faked a look of concern and spoke to his wife "Vaiola dear, you should go over at Narcissa's, and be with our daughters! After all, we don't want Narcissa to tire herself out! ".

Orion saw Viola looking at him with mounting surprise, and felt a trickle of anxiety - if there was anyone who could unravel his plan it was her - for Vaiola could read him like a book. Orion knew he had slipped up and thought he could literally see the wheels turning in Vaiola's head. Orion had never shown direct concern for their daughters, always trusting Vaiola to take care of them. Orion cursed mentally, desperately hoping that Bellatrix going into labour and Narcissa being in her first trimester, made the situation urgent enough to book no argument from his wife. Orion breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw Vaiola's tiny nod of agreement. He quickly pulled a chain and an Elf appeared bowing.

"Prepare the carriage and mount the trestles, mistress will be leaving for the Malfoy Manor in 5 minutes." Ordered Orion in his most regal voice. It would never do for a lowly servant to see the inner turmoil he was going through.

"Yes, master" Bowed the elf and disappeared with a crack. Orion looked at his wife pointedly, and Vaiola got up, her mind was whirring, most probably to decide what she was going to wear thought Orion condescendingly. They had spent thirty years together, Orion could anticipate every action of hers and vice versa. That is why he had been extra careful with his wife and had let only a little of his inner agitation to seep through as a total lack of it would have made Viola suspicious. So every night at dinner Orion sulked and made snarky comments about the situation his daughters had put the family in, just so his wife thought that was all he was going to do. It would not do for Vaiola to discover his plans for Bellatrix, despite her pureblood pedigree, she was a mother thus would never agree, and Orion couldn't afford for his plan to go awry. Orion waited for his wife to make up her mind, and after a couple of minutes, Vaiola too disappeared to her chamber to pretty up.

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