blue flowers

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Evan was sat at a table, alone. Connor's hoodie pressed close to his chest as he glanced around at the people around him. It's like they didn't even care about his death, or what had happened. It felt insulting, like they were mocking him in some sort of sick way. 

He looked at the ground as he sighed, shutting his eyes and hiding his face in Connor's hoodie, his scent still there. 

The choking feeling only got worse as he kept thinking about Connor. He got up, grabbing his things and leaving the space. 

He forced himself to his dorm, shutting the door as he choked out many flowers and petals.  He let out a shaky cry, dropping Connor's hoodie and covering his mouth.  The blood was already dripping onto his shirt.

Evan glanced around the small room, before grabbing his phone and dialing Jared's number. He kept himself breathing shakily, waiting and waiting and waiting for the other to pick up.


"Jared! T-Thank god you picked up! I-I really need your help I-I don't know what to do!"

"... What happened?"

"Just come over! I can explain then!" Evan hung up, picking Connors hoodie back up and taking a step back as he waited nervously by the door.

Several minutes passed as Evan waited, growing more anxious as more time flew by. He heard a knock, soon fleeing to the door and opening it to see Jared. He smiled weakly, letting him in, soon shutting the door behind him. 

"O-Okay, so you know Connor? C-Connor Murphy?" Evan stammered, sitting down next to Jared.

"The kid that killed himself, and all of that stuff happened? Why do you have his jacket?" Jared asked, examining Evan closely. 

"Yeah uh, so I like him. As in, I'm in love with him. And I know that he wont love me back cause he's dead and now I'm coughing up flowers and blood and I don't know what I'm doing or how to make this stop!" Evan cried out, sobbing and coughing into the jacket that once belonged to Connor. 

Jared hesitated for a moment before looking away, "Is this some sort of joke?"

"Jared, please, I need help!" Evan shot a glare at Jared, blood on his lip and loose petals on the jacket. 

Jared rolled his eyes when he glanced at Evan, soon jumping slightly when he saw the blood and petals. "Have you tried not  thinking about him?" 

"I've tried everything, and now it's just getting hard to breathe, because of these stupid flowers!" He sobbed, leaning against the shorter. He wanted this to stop; yet he didn't know how. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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