Do you want to build a Snowman?

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Jack's P.O.V

"Hey who's the girl next to you Rap?" Hiccup said.

"She's my cousin." Rapunzel said.

"Care to explain more?' I said. She just shook her head and started talking to Merida. Hiccup nudged me.

"Do you like her?" He asked teasingly. I just raised my eyebrow at him. He shrugged then smiled. "Do you think sshe'll become part of the Big Four?"

"Nah. She probably wouldn't like the attention. She doesn't seem to be paying any attention to us anyway." I said while shrugging my shoulders back at him. He nodded then looked away. I followed his eyes and saw he was looking at Punzie with a dreamy expression on his face. I silently laughed, Amused at him. I hit him on the shoulder to get his attention.
"You know, For one of the most popular guys in school, You still can't get the courage to ask your crush out."

"Fine I will then. The big dance is coming up this Friday. I ask her to that." He said smugly. I smirked right back at him. I still hadn't asked anyone to the dance yet. This is going to be bad when school starts. Girls will be flocking to me like Homing Pigeons.

"Who are you taking to the dance?" I was suddenly asked by Punzie. Apparently when Hiccup had said the word dance everyone froze and started talking about the dance.

"Um... I haven't decided yet." I replied nervously. Punzie smiled and pointed at her cousin. I shook my head. "I don't even know her name." I said.
Punzie shook her cousin to get her attention. She looked up from her book, Startled.

"Jack this is Elsa." I waved at Elsa.
"And Elsa this is Jack!" She waved back the started reading again. I rolled my eyes. Punzie pouted, then rolled her eyes right back. The bus stopped and we got off the bus.

Merida's P.O.V

As I got on the bus and went to the back, I noticed that Rap was talking to someone new. I sat down in my usual seat across from her. "Who's the new girl?" I asked.

"This is Elsa. She's my cousin and I haven't seen her in like 5 years when I visited her mansion!" Rap said in one breath. Elsa smiled at me and waved. I waved back. She was probably shy. I was thinking when Hiccup and Jack got on. I froze, my eyes widened and I got back in my seat. No! Bad Merida! You do not have a crush on Jack! Jack sat behind me and Hiccup on the other side.

"Hey who's the girl next to you Rap?". Hiccup asked. I sort of zoned out until they started talking about the dance.

"Who are you taking to the dance?" Jack was asked by Rap. I crossed my fingers and hid in my seat,pretending to be bored.

"Um... I haven't decided yet." He replied nervously. Oh well, I thought. The bus stopped and we all got out.
Me and Rap went to our lockers that were next to each other and I looked in the mirror at what I was wearing.
A blue and yellow silk short sleeved shirt with a matching skirt and white leggings. I hate my mom when she makes me wear this stuff. I took my hair out of the bun mom had put it in. I'll just say it fell out again. I heard the bell ring and I looked at my schedule. I saw Rap doing the same.

"Ugh. I have Math." Rap said unenthusiastically.

"I have Art." I said. Not really caring.

"Lucky!" Rap said.

"Wish we could switch places. that would be nice." I said

"Yeah." Rap looked at her watch. "ack! It's time for class!" We both took off running in the directions of our classes. I slid in to my seat at the last possible second.

"Hello class! My name is Miss Wrad and I'll be your art teacher for this last year in high School. Today we'll just painting. Okay, Get to it!"

Inside I groaned. On the outside I started getting my Palette ready.

Sorry if Merida doesn't have a Scottish accent. I just can't reread my work as well. Please comment on anything!

The Big Five (In High School)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang