
“Blimey she looks rough, did you tell her?” Josh whispered as Amelia walked into the room with Sarah. No, he shook his head; he’d been trying to find her for the last twenty minutes, but he gave up, he’d decided to tell her after dinner but by the looks of her face he no longer needed to. He gave Sarah a: ‘What the hell happened look’, and she nodded her head towards the galley. What the hell that was supposed to mean, he had no idea.

“She walked in on Connor and the new slut Katie having a sucking face in the galley” His eyes widened, that must’ve hit like a ton of bricks; looking at her face as she sat with Sarah in the corner, all he wanted to do was give her a hug and tell her that everything would be okay- that he would always be here for her and that he would never do anything to hurt her, but he knew better than that, this was neither the time nor the place.

Sarah motioned for him to come over, pulling him from the dream world inside of his head, he nodded, moving around people in order to get to her, people had gravitated towards the opposite side of the room, most knew what had gone on and so knew better than to intervene. Nothing ever stayed private very long here.

“I’m going to talk to PO about the seating arrangements, you go sit with her; but don’t you dare say anything you’ll regret or I’m afraid I will have to chop your nuts off” For a little person, she could be really quite violent, but she was a good friend none-the-less, and there was no-one he trusted more than the two of them. He took a seat on the table next to him and she leant against him, it was more of a reflex than anything else that he wrapped his arm around her small body and hugged her close to his side.

“Oh, is that how it is then?! You break up with Connor for cheating and make him feel like a piece of shit you’ve just trodden in and then less than 5 minutes later, you’re cuddling up to some other boy” Mia opened her eyes to see the very blond bimbo who had been the cause of the heart break she felt right now, she sighed, not wanting an argument and stood up to walk away from the screaming, makeup covered mess that faced her. “Don’t you pretend to be the bigger person, you bitch!” Her whiney nasal voice wasn’t the only thing that hurt her head as she felt a ring cover fist hit the side of her nose, on some other occasion, on another day she may well have fought back, instead, she felt another hit side of her head and smack it into the large metal pole that acted as the supporting beam for the building. Then, there was no more sound, no more light, just silence and darkness as she felt herself hit the ground, unconscious.

The feeling of unconsciousness was rather comforting actually, well until she began to wake to a rather sharp pain in her head, stretching down to her neck. Opening her eyes to the light of the room, her vision became less blurred and she saw the figure above her, holding her head still was that of Jamie; his face was full of relief as she opened her eyes and smiled slightly up at him.

“What the hell has gone on in here!” Chief’s voice was a hot needle searing through her brain, she winced and he moved from where he stood by the door gawking at the sight of her laying on the floor, to by her side. He spoke quieter to Jamie as everyone stood in silence, still in shock about what had happened. “Jamie, what happened?”

“Katie, um, I don’t know her last name but the new one- she punched Amelia twice in the head, she caught her off guard and she smacked her head off of the metal beam thing” His voice was harsh and strained as he tried to stop himself from standing up and punching the lights out of the girl who had had the audacity to hurt Amelia.

“Right, PO Harris deal with Katie, PO Lane call an ambulance, Ma’am please fetch the first aid kit, we need to stop this bleeding.” It was not until this point that she realised that Jamie was pushing hard on the side of her head where she could feel something wet running down her face.

“I don’t need an ambulance, I’m perfectly fine” She tried to get up but she felt a pair of strong hands restrain her by her shoulders; she looked up to see Rhys roll his eyes at her.

“Not the greatest of times to decide to be stubborn Mia” She scowled, she didn’t feel any pain now, she didn’t need an ambulance, but the look of concern on all the faces surrounding her made her feel wary- could they see something she couldn’t?

All the others where shooed out of the room by ma’am as she brought the first aid kit to chief who moved out of the way so she could get a better look at my head, she frowned.

“Right, Jamie, I want you to keep pressure of that until I say so, then quickly move your hand away and replace it on top of this new bandage- you were right to use a medical wipe in the first place to cover it rather than just your hand.” She felt weird with everyone around her; she felt it was like when they did first aid training and she had to lie on the floor whilst someone put her into the recovery position- except this time, there was a dull throbbing growing in her head. The pressure of Jamie’s hand on her head was taken away then quickly replaced, causing the throbbing to be removed and replaced by a sharp, constant searing pain that caused her eyes to water, and her to bite her lip to stop herself from yelling out.

“Are you alright?” She had no idea who asked the question, she was losing her grip on reality and struggling to determine on thing from another, the pain was too much to bare and she felt her eyes rolling back.

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