Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The feeling that somebody was watching her made her stomach turn; yet she daren’t turn around for fear that she wouldn’t be able to keep her composure. Clenching then flexing her hands in an attempt to return the circulation didn’t go unnoticed; she felt two large, warm hands wrap around her own smaller cold ones.

“Stop stressing, you’ll be fine” Looking up into the smiling emeralds that studied her face, she felt a wave of reassurance wash over her. “You can do this, easy” Giving her hands one last warm squeeze, he let them go, his hand moving to her shoulder to give her a comforting side hug before she was summoned through the old wooden door and into the unforgivingly large hall.

Empty faces surrounded her, all looking to judge her performance; if she made a mistake they would see, there beady eyes like that of hawks, inspecting the every move of their prey. Hands shaking, she stepped onto the podium, facing down the empty strip where moving targets would soon be. Flexing her hands one last time before she picked the ear protectors off of the desk in front of her; with them positioned on her head, she gripped the cold, heavy weapon in her hand, ensured it was loaded and clean before she pointed it in front of her, waiting for the signal to fire.

The buzzer sounded and the targets moved onto the firing range, pulling on the trigger she fired with as much accuracy as possible until the gun was empty and the buzzer rang again. Relief washed over her as she placed the gun back on the table along with the ear protectors; she’d done it, it was over- nothing could be changed now.

Inhaling deeply, she stepped down onto the hall floor, her boots sounding abnormally loud against the wood as she marched out of the room, and now, the only thing left to do was wait.

“Well done! You did brilliantly!” Their Chief congratulated her with a pat on the back as soon as she stepped through the door. Feeling people gathering around me, I was soon pulled into different embraces of congratulation.

“How’s he doing?” Nodding my head towards the door I’d just left where my competitor was about to fire, Sarah, who stood gawking out of the little window pulled a face, I moved to where she stood; his posture was sloppy, his arms not straight.

Sighing in relief, she turned around, narrowing her eyes when she saw that someone was missing- moving over to stand with the rest of the cadets from her unit, she watched Jamie’s eyes narrow as he spoke to Josh: “She needs to know but I have no idea how to tell her.” Josh nodded. “Yeah, I think I’d rather you tell her than me, you two are closer” Neither of them had spotted that she was standing close behind Jamie so she decided to speak up and make her presence known.

“Who are you not telling something to” Jamie spoke without turning around.

“Mia-“He seemed to recognise her voice too late as he had already spoken her name. “Amigo, yeah, mi amigo, Luca” Raising an eyebrow at his awful attempt to fix the situation she noticed that Josh’s eyes were slightly widened in alarm as Jamie blushed a deep red at his mix up; he was quite obviously hiding something from her, and it was her intention to make him divulge his secret.

“What do you not want to tell me?” He sent a wary look to Josh who raised his hands not wanting to be a part of this sticky situation.

“Nothing, I told you this is to do with my Spanish pen-pal Luca” He always had been an awful liar and she could read him like a book; he scratched the back of his head and avoided looking at her in the eyes.

“Luca’s a she?” She questioned, false wonder in her voice as she raised an eyebrow at his lame excuse for a lie, he nodded half-heartedly.

“T.S Daring guys and girls!” PO yelled out as he motioned for everyone to come to him in the corner, they followed the order, Amelia dropping the subject for the time being.

Just dance with meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora