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All of which should explain why I wasn't as suprised as most people would be if they woke up in their cousin's hot body.

I was a little suprised of course, but mostly I felt it was fantastically considerate of him. And imaginative. Instead of punishing me for rudeness, or crying phony tears like some friends I know, he was just going to let me find out for myself. I could hardly wait. The whole day stretched out ahead of me. I was going to tell myself to do a whole bunch of fabulous things.. As soon as the boys got off to works where...

Oh hey!! Oh wow!! I wasn't going to have to go! Not that I hate school.Actually, I like it, at least I like the people, but on the days when you haven't done all your assigments, Miss Lee (rhymes with work, shirk and jerk) gets mad, and this was going to be one of those days.I hadn't done any of it, not even the Korean Languages composition I was supposed to hand in this week.

I falshed myself a radiant smile in the bathroom mirror and remembered that my first reponsibility was to our face, which I washed with great enthusiasm. Oh the smoothness of them all... a joy to the head! I rinsed and smiled again.

"Lovely. You're lovely. I'm lovely.." I thought. I took the clippers out, fixed my hair, put on a comforted bathrobe, and looked myself over again. Even lovelier. But a bit pale, maybe?

The next twenty minutes I spent mucking around with the toner and the moisturizer and the foundation ( I wonder why he bothers with it. We certaintly don't need it,I mean I'm don't need it), finally I do my hair.I try to make different style that I looks in the TV but it don't suit his looks.So I just stroke it to the back and his hair naturally back to it shape,like it always do. How did I know what I was doing? You may well ask! I've watched him do it a hundred and one thousand times when he was going out from practising or going on tour or going out for a dates (Maybe..) It's easy.

"Oh my!!" I whispered to the mirror. "Aren't you something! Aren't you just something!"

Lately I'd been getting so fed up with my face and fed up with people saying how much I looked like my cousin friend name Seokjin. He always saying, " Jimin and I think Minjee is always like her very own self." You know why I think he says that? Because it's insulting to him to say I look like him.I guess I can't blame him.If I were Seokjin and had a daughter who looked like me, I wouldn't admit it either. Besides, I don't.Look like him,that is. I wish I did.

"Well, today I do, and it's great improvement," I thought to myself and slinked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where my brother was still sleeping. I gave him a little punch on the shoulder to wake him up.

"Yah," I said, "are you awake?"

"I am now," he said. "Was I dreaming or did you just punch me?" I guess grown ups don't punch each other awake.He looked sort of annoyed.

"You must have been dreaming," I said."Anyway, now that you're up,how do I look?"

"What makes you think I'm up?" He asked,closing his eyes again and rolling over. "I'm not at all up, I don't want to be up, and I don't know what you're doing up? Is there something wrong?" He opened one eye.

"Ani,ani, nothing..." I said in a hurry. "I just wondered if you liked the way I look." He opened the other eye,leaned on one elbow and blinked at me.

"Yah Jimin, what is going on with you this morning??"(Jimin! He really thinks I'm Jimin.Isn't this the most marvelous,incredible...)

"Of course I like the way you look. I always do. You look fine..A little fancy for this time of day,but fine."

"You mean my face,hyung?" I asked.

"Yes,I mean your face; you don't usually put all that stuff on before breakfast, but you look great.You have a great face, I love it.OK? Now can I go back to sleep?"

Just then the alarm went off. My brother groaned and I slinked off to the kitchen to make breakfast before he could say anything else. Somehow, I had the feeling that until he'd had some coffee,anything else he said wouldn't be too friendly.And then I realized that after he'd had the coffee he might not be too friendly either because he was going to get instant. It was the only kind I knew how to make.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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