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You are not going to believe me, nobody in their right minds could possibly believe me,but it's true,really it is!!

When I woke up this morning,I found I'd turned into my cousin!!

There I was, in my cousin's bed,with my feet reaching all the way to the bottom, and my brother sleeping in the other bed. I had my cousin's pajamas, and a face mask on my face, I mean his face.

I touch a weird thing on my hair. "I think that must be the clippers," I said to myself, "and if I have my cousin's hair,I probably have his body,too."

I decide to take a look at myself in the bathroom mirror.After all,you don't turn into your cousin every day of the week; maybe I was imagining it or dreaming.

Well,I wasn't. What I saw in that mirror was absolutely my cousin from top to toe, complete with no pimples in his face, white teeth and...I pulled up my shirt and look at my body.His abs was absolutely gorgeous.I smirked while looking at the mirror.

But my cousin's face looked like a fun job to do.His an Idol,he cares more about his look then anyone else,and besides,if he was willing to do a terrific thing like turning his body over to me like that, the least I could do was take care of his face for him.Right? Right!

You see, I had reason to believe that he was responsible for this whole happening.Because last night, we had a sort of an argument about something and I told him one or two things that had been on my mind lately.

As a matter of fact, if it's OK with you, I think I'd better start back a little farther with some family history, or you won't know what I'm talking about or whom?

My name is Park Min Jee,I don't have a nickname.I've been trying to get them to call me Minzy at school, but it doesn't seem to catch on. I'm nineteen; I have brown hair, brown eyes and brown fingernails.(That's a joke actually,I take a lots of baths).

I'm five feet; I don't remember what I weigh but I'm watching it, although my cousin says it's ridiculous, and I'm not completely mature in my figure yet.Maybe by the summer though.

My father is Park Tae hwan,like the name of korean olimpics swimmer.But his not looks like him at all.He's called gogi hyung-nim by the villagers because his selling fresh meat at the markets.

He's fourty-eight, he has brown hair which is a little too short,but I've seen worse, and brown eyes; he's six feet (well,five eleven and a half); and he's fantastically cool person.

He's worked as jeong-yugjeom or a butcher in english at Majang meat market,the biggest meat market in seoul and last year his financial was quite profitable. So he keeps selling the fresh meat while dreaming to open a barbeque restaurant.We makes his dream come true someday,I guarante

Oh yes, I do, I just thought of what's worse. My brother! He is I cannot begin to tell you how disgusting.It may not be a nice thing to say but,just between you and me, I loathe him. I'm not even going to bother to describe him. It's a waste of time. He looks like your average thirty years old plus plus like he said.

As my grandmother keeps saying, "Would't you know it'd be the boy who gets the long eyelashes and puffy look? It just doesn't seem fair." No,it certainly doesn't,but then what's fair? These days,not much!! Which is exactly what I was trying to tell my cousin last night when we had the fight. I'll get that in a minute, but first a few facts about Mochi.

Mochi as I called him is my stupid yet fucking handsome cousin.His name is Park Jimin,he's twenty three years old.He also has brown eyes and brown hair?? Oh.. I don't know.He keeps on changing his hair fashion.I don't remember what his original colour was.I thought it was brown but then I saw him with black colour hair in the pictures on the wall but right now..He got brown hair colour,so deal with it.

Anyway, back to my cousin. Brown eyes, brown hair and as I've already mentioned, nice straight teeth plus super shinning smile.Which I don't have it, good figure, his abs is on point but he can't defeat my brother's abs.He more worst then anyone else I've known so far.Clothes?? a little to tight sometimes, following the youngster trends;all in all, though he's prettier than most men. BUT stricter.

That's the thing.I can't stand how strict he is. Take food, for instance. Do you know what he makes me eats for breakfast? Cereal, orange juice, toast, an egg, milk, and two Vitamin C's. He's going to turn me into a blimp. Then for lunch at school,you have one of two choices. You can bring your own bag lunch, with a jelly sandwich or a ready made lunch box and a coke, or if you're me, you have to eat the hot meal the school gives you, which is not hot and I wouldn't give it to a dog.

He's also very fussy about the way I keep my room. His idea of neat isn't the same as mine, and besides,it's my room and I don't see why I can't keep it any way I want. He says it's so messy nobody can clean in there, but if that's true, how come it looks all right when I come home from school? When I asked him that last night, he just sighed.

A few other things we fight about are my hair.He wants me to have it trimmed but I'm not falling for that again (The last time it was "trimmed" they hacked six inches off it!!) And my nails which I bite.I can't not do it, it already becomes a habits and I don't know where and why I started it.

But the biggest things we fight about is freedom, because I'm old enough to be given more than I'm getting.I'm not allowed to walk home through the park even with friend, because "Seoul is a very dangerous place and especially the park." Everybody else's family lets them, "But I'm not everybody else's cousin." You're telling me!!

As you can see my busy life is always started at home.I live with my father who always back home late at night, My brother who always works in the gyms and never went home, I don't have a mother, My family never tells me about her.So I'm giving up trying to figure out where's she is.And..I also live with My cousin who always around and nagging me alot eventhough his an Idol!!

Yes!! His an Idol!! He's in a boy band named BTS.His group was so famous until it makes me to turns crazy as soon as I can! All the girls in my school are faking to be friends with me as they know I living with Park Jimin and friends with his other friend.Well, technically Yes! I do friends with his team mates and I do falls for this swagg guy named Min Suga! Nahh..His name Is Min Yoongi.

He has blank expression which makes me like more about him. He's cold-hearted person, like everyones was so afraid to approach him and talked to him.But his cool..His very swagg though.

Back to my story, Tomorrow one of my best friends in school who lives in the village is having a boy-girl party and he won't let me go because the last time that friend had a party they played kissing games. I told him the mother was there the whole time,staying out of the way in the bedroom, of course and he said, "That's exactly what I mean."

What kind of an answer is that? I don't get it.I don't get any of it. All I know is I can't eat what I want, wear what I want, keep my hair and my nails the way I want, keep my room the way I want or go where I want. So last night really had it out.

"Listen!" I screamed at him. "You are not letting me have any fun and I'm sick of it. You are always pushing me around and telling me what to do. How come nobody ever gets to tell you what to do,huh? Tell me that!!"

He said, "Min jee-ah, when you're grown up,people don't tell you what to do; you have to tell yourself, which is something much more difficult."

"Sounds like a picnic to me." I said bitterly. "You can tell yourself to go out to lunch with your friends and watch drama all day long, and eat ramen for breakfast and go to the movies at night..."

"And do the laundry and the shopping, and cook the food, and make things nice for ssamchon and be responsible towards you.." He cuts my words and stare at me.

"Why don't you just let me be responsible for myself?" I asked.

"You will be, soon enough," He said.

"Not soon enough to suit me," I snapped.

"Is that so!" He said. "Well, we'll just see about that!" And he marched out of the room left me shocked.

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