Chapter XXVIII: Disconcernment

Start from the beginning

Axel smiled and patted your head. "Hey, no worries. They won't let anything happen to you. Neither will I, or anyone else. You shouldn't have ran away like that. They're doing their best and that isn't fair to them. Got it memorized?"

You realized Axel was right and frowned. "I just got scared. Yaag told me that she killed herself when she left. It's like seeing her back from the dead."

Axel held your hand into his own. "Obviously I can't relate, but I understand why you'd freak out. But hey, it's okay. I'm going to call them and tell them you're here so they know you're safe, okay?"

You nodded in agreement before Axel stood up and kissed the top of your head. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number and called Zack.

You looked down to the floor as they talked. Axel was right. You shouldn't have run off and worried them. But you felt a lot better just by being with him for even a short amount of time.

When he was done, he sat back down and hung up. "Noctis, Vanitas, and Sora are on their way to come pick you up, okay?" He pulled you close to him and embraced you. "Just relax, we're here for you." 


Riku was a little further from the Strife's household, however, he was there for you when you ran off before and you knew he would be there for you again. You dashed to his place before anyone could catch up to you and also realize where you were going.

You looked back to make sure no one saw where you were off to before you got to Riku's house and knocked on the door nervously. Riku's father, Leon, answered the door and invited you inside as he called for his youngest son's name.

When you were inside you finally got a glimpse of the inside of their trailer. As soon as you entered, you were in the living room. The house was pretty big even though it seemed smaller from the outside. To your left was their television against the furthest wall and a brown colored couch with its back facing towards you. Straight ahead was their kitchen, the kitchen table to the right and the rest of the kitchen off to the left. To your right was a door, which was closed and you could hear Riku's older brothers talking from inside.

You heard a door open to your left, where another door was next to the T.V. Riku came out and saw how shaken up you were. He grabbed your hand and led you into his room before closing and locking the door behind him. He led you to sit on his bed, which was a twin sized bed with white pillows and blankets. The room itself was small, but it was cozy for it had an extremely fuzzy gray carpet beneath your feet. 

You decided to lay down on his bed as he sat on the edge. He poked your leg to get your attention, for you were staring at the ceiling.

"No one is chasing you this time right?" Riku jokingly said, but his quiet laughter soon faded when he realized he shouldn't be joking about that.

"It's okay. I just..." You were hesitant, but you decided to simply spit it out and tell him the whole situation. As you rambled, Riku listened thoughtfully and you were glad that someone was willing to listen. However, thinking about how much you were rambling made you suddenly trail off. You didn't want to annoy him, nor did you want to burden him with even more of your problems.

"You okay?" He asked and poked you once more as he did earlier.

"I don't mean to talk your ear off." You told him.

Riku chuckled and shook his head. "No worries. I'm always here for you. We all are."

He stood up to pull put his cell phone from his pocket. "Are you calling them...?" You whispered.

Riku turned to you. "You can't run off and worry them like that. You know that."

You didn't respond as you turned to stare at the fluffy carpet. Riku texted your family before he sat down next to you and made sure to keep you company before they arrived.

Running away was dumb, you knew that. However you were glad that your friends were always ready to help, no matter what.

Ventus and Roxas

When you burst outside from the front door, you took no hesitation to start sprinting to the twins house. They were both usually outgoing and amusing, so you thought going to see them was a good idea.

Before the others could catch up to you, you quickly ran off in the direction of your destination. It didn't take long for you to get there, but you were panting heavily since running was just not your forte. Knocking on the door you took a moment to catch your breath and waited for someone to answer.

You saw one of the twins faces when the door opened, but you didn't bother to figure out which twin it was before you pushed past them and invited yourself inside. The door closed behind you and you turned to realize Roxas had answered. He seemed to have a mixture of emotions; partially glad to see you, but also confused as to why you were there.

Ventus came down the stairs and smiled when he saw you.

"Aw Y/N hi!" He exclaimed. "Whatchu doing here?"

"Is Aqua or Terra home...?" You asked. When the boys denied your question, you explained that you finally met your biological mother. They both seemed genuinely surprised, considering the fact that your mother was rarely ever mentioned.

"Y/N you shouldn't have ran off like that, though." Roxas placed his arm over your shoulders. "I'm sure they're worried."

You knew better, and you were well aware that your family was worried about you. That doesn't stop you from being terrified. You barely knew who that woman was. You needed to get away for a while before you freaked out even more. However, you also knew that Roxas was right, not that you wanted to admit that.

When you acknowledged him by nodding your head, he hugged you and pulled out his phone. "I'm going to tell them that you're okay."

Ventus patted the top of your head and shot you a passionate smile. "Listen, we're always here for you, okay? But don't go running off all the time when situations like that happen. They're also here to help."

And as usual, they were right.

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