back to where it started

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Why don't we go back to where it started, I'm Bitna, A 16 year old girl attending a demanding idol school, it sounds so stupid to say out loud. I don't really know why I'm here, I thought my parents would send me down the road of becoming a doctor or a scientist or something that has more bragging rights. But, being an idol is probably the one thing every teenager in busan dreams of being, we dream of the bright lights in Seoul city~ aha I've never actually been to Seoul, all the girls in my previous year kept on bragging how everything is better in Seoul, the guys, the food, the shops. I don't really have much of interest in any of that, I've always been quite reserved, people would often describe me as the serious type as I tend to stay away from most things people my age would find joy in. I don't really party or drink. I don't even have a boyfriend and.. friends? I don't really try making any because I don't give away my trust easily. My mom didn't raise no fool.

I got off topic, lets go back to me attending an idol school. I've lived my whole life in Busan but since I've gotten accepted into an arts school in Seoul city, I've been asked to relocate. I didn't put much in the audition process, I had no real desire of getting in the program so I just sang and showed a bit of the dancing I picked up over the years. I'm currently
moved into a small dorm located near the school I'll be attending. It's my first day tomorrow and I've never felt this much pressure.

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