Part XVII: Trespasser

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Hey look! An update! Though not on a regular schedule yet, I thought that I would give an update in commemoration of the draft of Dragonscar being completed. Though it won't be regular. Over the next three months I shall be writing ahead in Ebony Mist so that when updates resume they can be on a regular basis, like a specific day, and posted without delay, especially if something comes up! Hope this update isn't too long in coming and I haven't lost the few readers that had been enjoying the story!

Alaura froze at the sounds of the yelling. It came from the front door, and the voice sounded familiar, even though she couldn't make out what was being said. Alaura bit her bottom lip as she started down the stairs, hearing the reply of a booming voice that could only belong to the druid. Of course he would face the racket, it was his home after all.

She came to the bottom of the stairs and dashed to the entryway, the letter to her family still clutched in her hands. Though she suddenly got a feeling that she won't have need of sending the letter.

"Let her go, you filthy druid!" the clear voice of a young man rang out over the hall.

The front door was wide open, letting the sun shine over the hall, still light and decorated by Alaura's magic. Standing before it, with his back to her, was the druid in a flourish of robes, hood up over his head. Alaura couldn't see around him, so craned her neck to look at whoever was speaking.

"It was her choice to be here, you have no right for such demands. Or do you wish for that plague to return to Everim?" the druid growled as Alaura caught sight of who stood in the doorway. The man stood tall, though not quite as tall as the druid, with broad shoulders and a small waist. A mop of strawberry blonde hair sat atop his head, barely brushing the eyebrows over green eyes, a long nose and a strong chin. He wore leather armor with the emblem of Everim on his chest.

Alaura let out a gasp when she saw him, drawing the attention of both men to her. The druid's eyes glared, while the other gave a look of surprise and relief all at once.

"Alaura! There you are! Alaura, please-" he attempted to step passed the druid to come over to her, but the taller man grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back out the door.

"I would advise you not to enter, for you are not welcome here," the druid sneered. The man gave an indignant stare.

"I am Drewland, second prince of Everim, and brother of Princess Alaura! If I wish to see my sister, I have every right to!" Drewland raised his voice, sticking out his chin.

"Not here you don't. This is my island. Your petty titles and royalties have no power here, you are nothing more but a simple trespasser," the druid replied harshly, grabbing the door to close it.

"Wait!" Alaura said, running forward. She leaned her shoulder against the door so the black druid couldn't close it, before ducking under his grasp to stand before her brother. She felt wetness at the corners of her eyes from being able to see him again, but blinked them away.

"Drewland, what are you doing here?" she asked softly, aware of the druid's eyes glaring into the back of her head.

"I've come to take you home. Please, come back with me. Mother is distraught. Our other siblings and I didn't even get to say good-bye, and the castle has become such a dreary place without you," Drewland said, getting down on one of his knees. "Please, I beg of you. Come back."

Alaura stood for a moment, her mouth gaping as she tried to find the words to speak. She looked back over her shoulder at the druid, seeing a red gaze stare down at her.

"I... Mast-" she began.

"You are not a prisoner here. If you want to go, then go! You've caused me more trouble than anything, anyway. But know this: if you do leave, our arrangement is nulled. I will let the black mist upon Everim again, and you can watch everyone die!" the druid's words were harsh as he turned and stomped away. Alaura watched after him, a lump growing in her throat as her heart sank.

She turned slowly and looked up at the blanched face of her brother. "Drewland?" His eyes looked down at her, as he had stood up while the druid has been speaking.

"Alaura... is this how you've been treated all this time? With black mail and threats? With this cold cruelty?" he asked her, but Alaura shook her head in a flurry of flame colored locks.

"No! He has been kind, and just! I have an unending supply of paint and canvas. I am not a slave, or servant. I simply reside and see what I can do with my magic," Alaura said.

"If that is all, then you can do this at home, where mother and father are! Please come home with me," Drewland begged, but again the princess shook her head.

"Please do not ask me to. You heard what he said! If I return, then the plague mist will return to Everim, and more people will die. I made a promise, so as princess I can do what I was born to do. I can protect my people! And if doing so means staying here, then that is what I will do. People need not die because the royal family selfishly wants to cling to me, or because I would be selfish enough to go back," Alaura said, her voice strong as she squared her shoulders and spoke to her brother. But how he looked back at her, with a sad determination, made her waiver. "Drewland, my brother..."

It was Drewland's turn to shake his head.

"I can't accept this! If you saw the state mother is in, you would come running back. If the plague must come back, so be it. We can find another druid to remove it, one who will do so at a more reasonable price," Drewland snapped, coming upon her and seizing her wrist. "I'm takin you back with me, whether you come quietly or I have to drag you."

Alaura cried out in surprise and winced as his gloves hand closed tightly around her wrist. She tried to pull away but his grip was like iron. "Stop Drewland! You're hurting me," she cried, attempting still to pull away. But he didn't listening, beginning to pull her away. As he did so, a familiar dizziness grew in her head, a light headed feeling that spoke of another nosebleed and possible black out. Inside Alaura cursed her luck. Not now! Please not now!

"I'm taking you back to the ship, and taking you home. Mother will get better, and father will send a message to Druid's Keep to keep an eye out for the mist," Drewland was saying. Already they were halfway across the yard, almost to the gate.

"Stop! Please! Just take this letter. It was my choice to come," Alaura cried, planting her feet, but he simply dragged her. the dizziness grew worst and she found herself stumbling. What madness had overtake her brother, she wondered, that he would act in such a manner towards her? He had always been kind and considerate along with being protective, not demanding.

"Drewland, STOP," she cried the last word, raising in pitch till a warmth filled her gut and she couldn't cease the voice coming from her mouth as it stretched out, filling the air with a heaviness. When finally she snapped her mouth shut, Drewland and stopped and let go, allowing her to fall to her knees on the ground. A hand went to her head as she felt the world spinning, and something dripping from her nose.

"A-Alaura..." Drewland said, his voice suddenly changed, full of worry and regret. She looked up to see him paled as he stared at her.

"What? It's too late to apologize," she told him, but he shook his head.

"You're hair... it's," but he didn't continue. Alaura looked down at a lock hanging over her chest and gasped. Half the strands had turned pale, almost white. She watched as slowly the pigment returned to those strands, leaving her hair the color of flames once more.

"So, you've finally found your price," both sets of eyes looked up to the druid who had appeared between them and the mansion. Red eyes glared back, staring intently at Drewland. "Boy, I suggest you take that letter and leave. It's obvious your beloved sister doesn't wish to return with you."

Alaura looked up at Drewland, who looked even paler as he nodded, and came to kneel beside Alaura. He took the letter she clutched, and looked into her eyes.

"I don't know what came over me, forgive me," he whispered to her, taking a kerchief and wiping the blood from below her nose. He kissed her forehead when he finished. "Good bye little sister."

He stood and began walking away. Alaura watched him, darkness covering the corners of her blurring and spinning vision. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Good-bye Drewland. I love you big brother," she whispered, closing her eyes and her body lurching. She was aware of strong arms taking hold of her and pulling her against a familiar chest before darkness overcame her completely.

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