Intro: The Promise

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Once upon a time in a world very different from our own, a world full of magic and wonder lived the black druid. No one knew the origin of the black druid, save himself. He was a tall, broad shouldered man, proud and Stoic. He had long black hair, several locks partly covering his pale face, his eyes ever changing in color from some strange spell that lay upon him. As per his name, he always wore black or dark color attire, consisting mostly of long robes and thick cloaks.

His name was known by few, and never spoken by those who did know it. His name was Kieran Ebony.

Kieran lived apart from the other druids, choosing not to stay among the other druids of Druid's Keep. Instead he made himself an island in the North Ocean where he resided and did his experiments in peace and seclusion. Though it was said that he was the strongest druid of the age, and though there were other black druids, none were as powerful as he, which is why he was more often referred to as THE black druid. On his island he had knowledge kept away from forgotten ages and histories, and knew of magic otherwise lost. Yet for all his power, it was his love of solitude and lack of desire of self-gain that kept him from being seen as a threat to the rest of the world.

Though he reached out to none, he would, on occasion, aide those who dared call upon his for help. Whether it was for wisdom, or short use of his magic. But his help always came with a great cost. No, he never asked for gold or jewels, but payment that was much more precious, and he always had reason for what he asked, a reason only he was privy to. But it was never a price too high that was willing to be paid, but that would one-day change.


South of Druid's Keep and Kieran's island was the country of Everim. It was a vast country, home to many different races. Though it was split into many territories, each governed by its own ruler, all answered to the king. Though the king did not deal in the affairs and quarrels of the territories, he made sure there was enough unity for the country to be in relative peace. He stood as a representative of the country as a whole.

The current king of Everim had four children, three strong sons, and a daughter, the youngest of the four. It had been many generations since a girl had been born in the royal line, so she was seen as a precious blessing, and was much beloved. Her name was Alaura. She had her mother's flame colored hair, pale skin, and freckled cheeks, but her father's blue eyes and generous smile. She was weak since birth, often falling ill, but despite this she lived an active life, going riding when she could, and occasionally practicing archery with her brothers. But also spending her weaker days with her nose in a book, and then there was her art. Her greatest talent was in the craft of her hands where she could skillfully turn a blank canvas into a wonderful work of art.

In all these things, she took after her mother, who also had skills with a paintbrush, but enjoyed it much more than the queen. But beyond all this, there was something else that made her beloved by the people. In the labor room, as she was born, a Fae appeared before the queen and the midwife. A Fae is a mysterious creature, for there were only twelve in existence. For a Fae to visit a woman in the labor of childbirth meant that the baby had something that would draw the Fae.

Once Alaura was born, the Fae blessed the child, saying her power would come to fruition some day when she was ready for the power. And with that blessing, the Fae was gone. Though the kind tried to keep word of this silent, somehow the rumors spread that Alaura was blessed by a Fae, which made her more beloved by the people. They considered her a blessing to the country.


When Alaura was still a child, a great affliction descended upon Everim: a great darkness that crept out of the sea and desolated all life in its wake, bringing a great illness upon the country. It was a black mist that covered a league at a time, slowly drifting across Everim. Anything that came into direct contact with it fell ill and quickly died. And those who came in contact with the effected also came down with the illness, though here slower to succumb to it. And so the sickness spread beyond just what the mist touched, though was less potent the more the sickness spread, being stronger from the source.

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