Chapter 1 - The Party

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Chapter 1 - The Party

Percy P.O.V

I was taking a swim in the pool. I felt relax whenever I went swimming, especially when I dive under the water and stay there for a minute or two. Staying in the blue water, you can't really hear any sounds underwater. It's the one place I can think and helps me to clear my mind. But then, I heard my mom calling for me, which kind of destry the peaceful moment. "Percy?"

I used my leg to push myself up to the surface of the water and swim to the side of the pool to greet my mom. She was as beautiful as ever. Her brunette hair was tied in a high ponytail. Her warm brown eyes turned black when there is no sunlight. She was wearing a reddish sweatshirt and a pair of jeans.

"Did you came all this way just to have a swim in the pool?" My mom questioned with an unsatisfied look on her face.

"Maybe... But I don't have any other events. So, I was just thinking of having a swim." I tried to defend myself, scared that my mom will start rambling about all her facts again. Besides, we were on a vacation, I can do anything I want.

"There's a party downstairs. Go enjoy yourself." She advised. Hand motioning me to get out of the water.

"Mom.. But I enjoy swimming too!" I whined, trying to put on my cute baby seal face. My mom once said that most people looked like puppy dogs when they plead but I looked different. She said I looked like a long lost baby seal that really needed help.

"Percy. You know I love that look, but today, I won't fall for it." She declared, crossing her arms in front of her chest and looked at me.

I know if I continued to stay in the water, my mom would definitely come down and get me herself. So, I gave up and get out of the pool. "Okay okay. I'll go get change." She handed me my towel and shirt.

"That's my boy--" She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "--now, go get something nice to wear." Together, we headed to the elevator and to our rooms.

I took a quick shower and get dressed in my black jeans and dark blue sweatshirt. When I got out of the bathroom, my mom was nowhere to be seen, probably engulf in her book at the garden. I've only been to the the garden once, it was an indoor garden with many kinds of flora. There's also a small fountain at the center of the garden and a wooden bench beside it. The garden was amazing and it's probably the only place my mom loves to go to.

I tried to comb my hair, but no matter how hard I tried, it still look messy. Oh well, nobody really cares. It's not like I have a girlfriend or what.

It was New Years Eve and it's pretty cold outside. So, I grabbed a coat and went downstairs.


"--Do you ever think, when you're all alone.

All that we could be, where this thing could go.

Am I crazy or falling in love.

Is it really or just another crush--" (The song is in the external link and it's a percabeth video!!)

The music was so loud, I could even hear people singing from the elevator. I walked in and tried to find a place to sit.

After squeezing through the crowd, I finally found an empty couch. But there was a bag beside it. I looked around, hoping someone will claimed it. No such luck buddy. Maybe the owner went to the restroom or something, I might as well have a seat and get up later. I don't have any friends here, so naturally, I pulled out my phone and tried to find a game and play.

When the game got really intense, someone tap on my shoulder. I hate it when people disturb me from my game, so I just ignored it since I was about to win.

"Excuse me?" That person tap me again, sounds a little annoyed.

I bolted straight up from the seat and groaned. I lost my game. If it wasn't that person who disturbed me, I could have won. "Couldn't you wait for a little while? I was going to finish!" I half shouted and turned to that person. It was a girl. If I said she wasn't beautiful, it's an understatement. She had blonde hair that curled like a princess. Her grey eyes. They're so beautiful. I could have stared at it whole day without being tired of it. But she's wearing spectacles, which kind of destroys the whole beautiful image. I didn't even realized I was staring at her until...

"Are you checking me out?" She sounded inpatient, putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh.. Sorry.. Ummm.. How can I help you?" I asked, scratching the back of my head, a little nervous about her question.

"You're on my seat." She said coldly, pointing to the seat I was sitting just now.

"What?" It was like I had been hit on the head, the girl just came to me and said I'm sitting on her place.

"Did you see that bag--" pointing to the bag on the couch, "--that's mine." She stated. I know I've promised to give the seat back to the owner, but this girl, she just disturbed me from my game, I was about to hit a new highest record!

"Are you serious? You just make me lost my game here!' I argued with her. Honestly, I felt pointless of arguing with a girl over a seat. It's totally not my style. But I don't know what agitated my feelings to argue with her.

"How old are you?" She snapped. I was taken by shocked. What's my age going to do with our argument? "If I'm not mistaken, you're around 23. And you're playing a GAME. A game that even a 5 year old kid can play too." She emphasize the 'game' word.

This girl is really starting to get on my nerves. "So what? Can't an adult play a game? What's your problem?" I snapped back.

She was about to give me another lecture when suddenly a girl with choppy brown hair interrupted. "Hey! Anna-- Who's this guy?" She asked as she stop beside the Anna-girl.

"This guy here, just happens to sit on my seat and now he's arguing with me." She pointed at me coldly and rolled her eyes.

"Hey! You think I wanted this argument to happen?" I looked at her and try my best to give her my death glare.

"I didn't--" She was about to shout back but luckily was cut off by her friend. "Hey! Look guys! Today's New Years Eve, we shouldn't argue on small stuff like that! Just let it go, okay you two?" The brown headed girl looked at me and back to her friend.

"Tell that to your friend. I'm not going to continue arguing with this girl! She is impossible!" I emphasize the word 'girl'. I walked off to the other side of the room without waiting for her reply, which I bet if I did, we would argue even more.

I found another seat at the counter and ordered some drinks.

This is going to be a long night. I thought as I took a sip of my drink.


I'm sorry if this chapter is kind of lame. I tried my best. So, this chapter is dedicated to Pandaz1568. Thanks for the votes and comments! I hope you like this chapter =)

Anyway, thanks for reading guys, please vote if you like the chapter :)

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