Graser:is everything good will?

Will:yeah I just got in my bath

Graser:oh darn it I left my phone in there!

Will:um....hmmm my arms are already wet so I guess you can come in and get it then leave just give me a second to cover up with bubbles

Graser:ok......(will cover himself with bubbles then he gave Graser the all clear then Graser came in and closed the door behind him)

Will:ok hurry and get your phone

(Graser was walking toward the cabinets then he slipped on the rug and closed his eyes then will hurried and grabbed his hands and stoped him while staying in the bath)


Will:.....that could of bean bad...

Graser:you saved me from a bad back problem

Will:of course

Graser:thanks.......(then he looked directly at will and he was above the water a lot so Graser could he his chest and his low stomach but that's all and he turned a dark shade of red)

Will:oh sorry!!(will lays back in the water)

Graser:it's ok just caught me off guard......

Will:still sorry anyways

Graser:can I just sit on a stool and can we just hangout


Graser:well lately everything has just bean hectic like you not sleeping and stressing out for the wedding and me almost losing you and you almost had to go back and be forced to leave and forget about me

Will:it was bean hectic.....

Graser:so can I?


(Graser sits on the stool and locks the door)

Will:so what do you wanna talk about?

Graser:we could talk about what's next.......


Graser:he never really talk about are relationship.......


Graser:I just want to make sure where my limits are


Graser:tell me things we have never done seen or heard of and tell me things you want to do and tell me where I can't pass and just talk to me

Will:ok well I guess il get started what first tho?


Will:ok I uh.....I don't think I have really any limits.....

Graser:so I could go over there right now and put my hand under that water and it would be ok

Kiingtongs little secret(will x graser)Where stories live. Discover now