keeping secrets.

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The next morning Hermione wakes up in Draco's arms and smiles she nestles into his chest, but knows that they have to get up. She kisses him on the cheek and he stirs and looks down to see Hermione smiling at him with her head still rested on his chest.

"wake up sleepy head, we're going to be late." He smiles remembering the kiss and all of the last night, he kisses her forehead.

"Ok, mione." she laughs.

"So you already have a nickname for me now huh?" he chuckles as they get up.

They both come down together and have breakfast. They then go and get dressed for lessons, Draco comes down first, closely followed by Hermione, she meets him with a hug.

"I think we should keep this from the others, they know we like each other but I think it would tip both harry and Ron over the edge." she kisses him softly and smiles at him.

"Yeah, probably best. I wont even tell Blaise, although I think that Ron has a thing for Daphne Greengrass. He hasn't stopped looking at her in divination class since she changed her hair." he smirks. They kiss one more time before leaving the common room and separating for classes.

At lunch

"Hermione you have got to tell me what has happened, you are completely different!" Ginny complains.

"Nothing, um I'll tell you, but I need permission first, I'll be back in a second." she rushes of leaving Ginny completely bamboozled. She goes to the great hall, grabs Draco and viciously pulls him out into a small corridor where no-one notices them.

"Ginny knows that there is something up with me and I can trust her with my life, she wont tell anyone and she is my best friend, pleeeease!" he smiles.

"Can I just say that I love vicious you, and as long as you can trust her." he kisses her forehead and walks back to the hall. To save time, Hermione apparates to the library. And appears in front of Ginny who is still completely confused.

"Ok, so after Harry nearly slapped me at the party, I ran to my room. He came in after me and comforted me as I cried. When we changed, he came into my room again. I told him I was fine but he knew I wasn't so we watched a movie. Towards the end of the movie we glanced at each other at the same time and things just clicked." Ginny looks shocked.

"You mean you kissed him?!" Hermione looks at her.

"Not quite, his owl interrupted." Ginny frowns.

"Well why would you tell me that?!" Hermione laughs.

"Because yesterday he told me to meet him at the astronomy tower at eight. So I went and he was putting off something but I didn't ask, anyway so I was talking to him and mentioned that you can't plan life, and he asked to watch a movie, so I agreed. when he went to get changed, I couldn't find the right movie. He came in and said we could play a game instead, so we played Truth or Dare Draco style, basically with a lie detector which shocks you when you lie or forfeit and you had to say the truth. Anyway we were asking random questions and I asked what he smelled in the Amortentia potion, and he described me basically. Now that I was certain that he liked me, well I got closer and he realised what was happening and well-" Ginny who is now impatient buts in.

"Spit it out already." Hermione looks surprised.

"I kissed him and he kissed me back, we lied down on the bed and I fell asleep with my head on his chest. We woke up in the same place this morning." Ginny squeals.

"I knew it!!" Hermione shushes her.

"No one can know, that is why I had to ask him before I told you." Ginny suddenly turns serious.

"You really want this to last don't you?"

"of course Ginny, I wanted it to last with Ron but this is next level. I've never felt the way I do about anyone the way I do about Draco." She looks at Ginny seriously.

"Wow. I wont tell anyone. Well technically I can't tell anyone, one half wouldn't believe me and the other half would rip my guts out, so it's safe with me." Hermione lets out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." she exclaims.

The next three weeks pass quite quickly and not much changes between Hermione and Draco, their newly found relationship stays secret from everyone except themselves and Ginny.


Draco and Hermione are in her room about ten minutes into watching a movie, cuddled up and legs under the covers.

"Do you mind?" Draco says as he goes to take his shirt off.

"I'm hot." Hermione laughs, But nods a confirmation.

"you don't have to brag." She giggles as he takes it off and she cuddles up to him again feeling the warmth of his skin.

"Oh but if I don't brag then who will, it's not like I have any girls after me." This makes Hermione burst out laughing.

"You know you have admirers, like Pansy and Astoria." He looks down at her looking scarily serious.

"You missed one." he says in his concerned voice.

"And who would that be?" he kisses her head.

"You" She giggles again and pecks him on the cheek. They stay cuddled up together watching the film for the next half an hour until she finishes her drink. She gets up with her cup in her hand.

"Where are you going?" Draco asks.

"To get another drink, do you want one?" he shakes his head.

"No I'm fine thanks." she walks into the kitchen and gets another glass of apple juice. Suddenly there is a knock at the door of the common room, she thinks it is Ginny so opens it. Ron rushes in with a book, some parchment and a quill.

"Hermione I'm so glad you opened the door, I am so confused with this potions homework." She grabs her glass and goes towards the stairs.

"I'm just going to put this in my room." she says thinking of warning Draco to stay quiet. she goes up the stairs and gets to the door before turning around and seeing Ron at the top of the stairs.

"You know you should learn to do your own homework." She says as calmly as possible, but before she can ask him to leave, Draco comes out of her room, still topless.

"Mione what's taking you so-" He trails off as he sees who is there.

(COMPLETE) Dramione -The seventh year at HogwartsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora