Kiss You

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Sup dudes. Sorry for not updating for what seems like forever, but I've been pretty busy writing some other stories and other things like that too. Without making a big, boring intro, im now gonna start the chapter. As you may already know, this is a little treat for all those One Directioners out there. Enjoy! 😁

(Adrien's POV)

I arrived at school super early today. So early, that nobody was even here. That's a good thing I guess as ill be able to think my plan through, thoroughly.

Today is the day! After what happened on Saturday, me not being able to tell her my surprise, being too.... Im not sure what i was, im gonna make it up to her.



Speaking of the angel, here she came, walking through the door right at that minute with a big, bright smile shining on her features.

"Hey Marinette" i said with an equally big smile as to hers.

"Hey Adrien" she replied. She sat down behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. Instantly, another Cheshire cat smile stretched on my face. I live her so much. I turned around, the big grin still present.

She looked at me wide eyed before giving me a huge, cheesy grin in return. I bet Plagg could sense the cheese from all the way inside my shirt pocket.

"Are you ok, Marinette?" I asked as i regained my composure.

"Oh yeah. Im fine. I just wanted to tap you on your shoulder." She giggled, blushing in embarrassment.

I laughed. "Aww. You're so cute."

"EWWW!!!! Are my ears deceiving me?!" Chloe whined from the doorway of the classroom. As she made her way into the room, she stood right in front of my desk.

"Adrikins!!!! Why are you calling that..." She gestured towards Marinette. "Cute?!?!"

Marinette winged at the way she said that. I just furrowed my eyebrows in anger.

"Chloe! Stop!" I huffed, trying to contain my fury all at once. "First of all, her name is Marinette, not that. Second of all, why do you even care?!?! Why do you even care if i call the girl i love cute?!?!"

Something in Chloe changed. She snapped, all of a sudden. I stared at her, not even a slight change of emotion in my current expression; complete and utter anger.

"What... Did.... You... Say?" Chloe said, gritting her teeth. I squinted my eyes as her face became red in what im guessing was anger too. I looked over in Marinette's direction. She had a look of pure shock as i sheepishly smiled at her. I mentally giggled, nervously.


(Marinette's POV)

What?!?! He actually LOVES me? I knew we were going somewhere, sort of, but i didn't know it was for two tickets to loveland!

"You heard me, Chloe..... I said that i love her." Adrien smugly answered. I could literally feel the tears forming in the corner of my eyes from a mile away.

I love him too. So much.

"You... WHAT?!?!?!?!" Chloe screeched. At that moment, everybody started filing into the classroom. As they all entered, they stopped right in their tracks, immediately.

"What's going on?" Ms Bustier asked as she pushed her way through the crowd of teens. When she got to the front of the class, she sighed.

"Chloe. What are you doing now?" She asked, sighing more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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